Links, on-line storytelling communities, blogspots and storytelling resources.
Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators and Performers (CANSCAIP)
Cape Breton's Magazine | Free, searchable and built to last!
Storysave | A project of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada
The Four Winds Storytellers' Library | The Four Winds Library (FWL) is a lending library for storytellers owned by Toronto storyteller Norm Perrin, which operates out of 2870 Dundas St. West
United States
Ashliman's Home Page | an excellent source of texts for all kinds of stories
Catch the Story Bug! | Karen Chace’s Blogspot - Dedicated to Storytelling: The ancient art of Oral Tradition
Center for Digital Storytelling | Berkeley, CA
Healing Story Alliance | A Special Interest Group of the National Storytelling Network
Story Bee | Links to dozens and dozens of high quality audio files of stories being told by well-known American storytellers, grouped by age recommendations
Story Corps | live recordings of true-life stories
Storytelling - It's News | Over 400 links to news items that feature storytelling and storytellers
The Apple Seed | Brigham Young University's Radio Station has a storytelling show
The Art of Storytelling with Brother wolf | great podcasts etc
The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project | an excellent source of texts for all kinds of stories
Works in Progress; the journal of the art and business of storytelling
Kathalaya (The House of Tales) Storytelling Academy in India - | India - Bangalore
Asian Storytelling Network | Singapore
Australian Storytelling Guild | Australia
Center of Folktales and Folklore | Israel - Yoel Perez’ vast collection of public domaine texts
Compagnie du Cercle | France
Cultural Corporation Vivapalabra | Columbia (Medellín)
Erzählen (German Storytellers Network) | Germany (Fürth)
Fabula Storytelling | Sweden (Stockholm)
- | Read all the finest fairy tales on! The stories are optimized for reading on smart phones, tablets and computers, and easily printed.
Idries Shah Foundation | England
Indian Storytelling Network | India
International Sacred Texts Archive - | A vast cornucopia of myth, epic, saga, and folktale with full text of many rare, obscure and out-of-print books
La Maison Du Conte | France
Les Singuliers (s) | France
Project Grimm | Storytellers around Europe celebrating the Grimm Year in 2012! Videos of performances in many languages
Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC) - International Storytelling Network - | Represents 950 professional storytellers in 46 countries from 5 continents. All the website pages have a Google translator.
Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC) - International Storytelling Network on Twitter
Richard Martin's Tell-a-tale site | Germany - A generous array of videos to watch (in English)
Scottish Storytelling Centre | Scotland
Storytellers of Ireland | Ireland
The Art of Storytelling | Heidi Dahlven's curated blog of storytelling videos in many languages from around the world
The Crick Crack Club | Twitter
The Crick Crack Club | YouTube Channel
The Crick Crack Club | Facebook page
The Crick Crack Club | London-based
The School of Storytelling | England
The Society for Storytelling, UK | England
The Society for Storytelling, UK | Especially useful - a page of free downloads on a variety of topics
Tim Sheppard’s Really Helpful FAQ | England
Tim Sheppard’s Storytelling Resources for Storytellers | A treasure house of stories of every kind, annotated and categorised for easy reference. Links to lots of articles for beginning storytellers.
World of Fairy Tales | A collection of text and audio files of folktales from around the world. The site features translation in several languages.
World Storytelling Day | World Storytelling Day - A global celebration of oral storytelling
SC-CC Members' blogspots
Al Fowler | BC
Jan Andrews | ON
Jerry Haigh | SK
SC-CC Members Directory | Find websites for SC-CC members here
The Tellery | Festival of Oral Literatures (FOOL), Future Folklore, FOOL in the House concert series, residencies, workshops