Liens, communautés en ligne, contes blogspots et ressources Storytelling.
Cape Breton's Magazine | Free, searchable and built to last!
La Société canadienne des auteurs, illustrateurs et artistes pour enfants
The Four Winds Storytellers' Library | The Four Winds Library (FWL) is a lending library for storytellers owned by Toronto storyteller Norm Perrin, which operates out of 2870 Dundas St. West
Center for Digital Storytelling | Berkeley, CA
The Apple Seed | Brigham Young University's Radio Station has a storytelling show
The Art of Storytelling with Brother wolf | great podcasts etc
The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project | an excellent source of texts for all kinds of stories
Compagnie du Cercle | France
- | Read all the finest fairy tales on! The stories are optimized for reading on smart phones, tablets and computers, and easily printed.
La Maison Du Conte | France
Les Singuliers (s) | France
Les Blogs des adhèrents de SC-CC
Al Fowler | BC
Jan Andrews | ON
Jerry Haigh | SK