Répertoire des membres
Mary Louise Chown
Box 38
River Hills, Manitoba R0E 1T0
Phone: 204-348-7540
Fax: 204-489-5460
Email: mlchown@shaw.ca
Website: http://www.marylouisechown.com
Mary Louise has taken storytelling in many innovative directions from her base in the Winnipeg storytelling community. With drum, hammered dulcimer, and a close attention to the music of language, her creative approach to storytelling connects the worlds of the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Mary Louise’s work has taken her into hospitals and palliative care wards, and into the world of mediation and conflict resolution. She has travelled extensively in Manitoba, across Canada, and overseas, gathering stories and sharing her favourite ones. All things are possible in this world, and often true stories are stranger than fiction.
Mary Louise is a trained teacher, artist, and mediator, and was the first Storyteller-in-Residence at the Winnipeg Public Library. She has co-founded Magic of One Storytelling Concerts( http://www.magicofonestories.com/)
and BraveHeart Storytellers, as well as The Manitoba Storytelling Guild (http://manitobastorytelling.org/)and is the current artistic director of the Magic of One Concert series, which is continuing through a series of Fringe Performances and House Concerts.
Mary Louise is available For
- Storytelling and music performances
- Storytelling workshops, courses, and mentoring
NOW I KNOW THE WORLD IS ROUND: Stories at the End of Life
Contributions to books:
2003 “The Golden Phoenix” in The Healing Heart: Storytelling for Strong and Healthy Communities, Eds Allison Cox & David Albert, New Society Publishers, ISBN: 0-86571-469-X
1999 “Mourning Cloak” and “White Spider”, two drawings in Spider Woman: A Tapestry of Creativity and Healing Eds. Carol Rose & Joan Turner, Shillingford Press, Wpg.
1998 “Journey Without Maps” in The Power of the Story, Ed Afra Kavanough, University College of Cape Breton Press, 1998, ISBN: 0-920336-63-9
1996 “Rainbow Girl” in Twelve Snapshots, published by the National Capitol Commission. I was invited to submit a story text to represent Manitoba\
2004 Marie Anne Lagimodiere in Le Pays En Haut: Exploring the Oral Storytelling Traditions of Sharing History by Mary Louise Chown, in the Papers of the Rupertsland Colloquium 2004, compiled by David Malaher, held in Kenora ON, published by the Centre for Rupertsland Studies, University of Winnipeg
Magazine articles:
2007 Spiritual Care: A Newsletter for Spiritual Care Providers Across Manitoba
"When stories strengthen the spirit".
2005 Storytelling Magazine, Vol 17, Issue 1, January/February 2005, National Storytelling Network, Jonesborough Tennessee, USA, ISBN: 1048-1354
“They Should have Listened to their Hearts” & “Qualutaliqssuaq, a retold folktale"
1994-2001 A series of 4 articles on storytelling published in Appleseed Quarterly, a joint publication of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada and The Storytellers School of Toronto, ISBN: 1183-378
Recorded Works
“Magic of One Concerts Live” 2003-2008
“The Skin of This Planet”, Video Pool 2001
"Doing Time" Video Pool 1999
"North From Centre" Tales by Earthstory (produced) 1996
- Now I Know the World is Round (Livre)