Répertoire des membres
Tansi, We are Kehewin Native Dance Theatre. We are Storytelling and Dance! This year we are touring 2 shows, Each show is 1 hour in length. All performances include storytelling and dance.
*All shows include the dynamic HOOP DANCE FINALE!
Trickster Trilogy is a collection of 3 traditional trickster stories told with the use of large animal masks. It includes 3 Pow Wow dance styles which are performed in between each story and a dazzling Hoop Dance Finale.
Dancing the Red Path includes various pow wow dance styles and their histories. 5 dancers share their dance styles with the traditional stories of each dance being shared. The performance finale is a spectacular Hoop Dance
We ask that Lunch & Water be provided for performers/facilitators during live events
Thanks for your interest in Kehewin Native Dance TheatreYou can also visit our website at www.kehewinnativedancetheatre.com