Nouvelles et Événements
Nouvelles : International
Texas Storytelling Festival- March 11-14, 2021
36th Annual City of Denton Texas Storytelling Festival
Online! March 11-14, 2021
Everyone loves a story! Stories connect us to ourselves and others.
The good news? You can join us from anywhere in the world.
For more Festival information and registration:
A new online storytelling circle- The Storytelling Cafe
A new monthly story exchange by The Storytelling Cafe
About this Event
A monthly virtual café open to oral storytellers who want to meet, explore the world of stories & connect with the storytelling community.
Learn more and register on Eventbrite:
Caribbean Folklore Storytime is back on January 24
Caribbean Folklore Storytime is back on January 24
Ananse Soundsplash 2020
Email for more information
Scottish International Storytelling Festival: Program out now!
Invitation to join the Worldwide Virtual Storytellers Guild online meetings
Invitation to join the Worldwide Virtual Storytellers Guild online meetings
You all are invited to join the Worldwide Virtual Storytellers Guild. The Guild meets three meeting times a month, gathering storytellers from around the globe to share stories, community, feedback and discussion. Meetings are held through ZOOM video conference (free).
This is their Facebook page where the meeting invitations are posted (Facebook account is required).
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST- Sydney International Storytelling Conference June 5-7 2020
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST- Sydney International Storytelling Conference June 5-7 2020
Do you want an International Storytelling adventure?
Are you interested in meeting people from different countries and cultures?
Do you want to extend your storytelling skills?
Do you have something to contribute to the wider storytelling community?
If the answer to these questions is YES, then let us know of your interest.
National Storytelling Network Conference announcement
2020 National Storytelling Network (American) Conference location has been announced for July 23 - 26 in Decatur, Georgia just outside Atlanta
More information at
Another email scam
*This scam also circulated in the fall, but appears to be back again. Please share with friends.
One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.
The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.
If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.
- The SC-CC Team
Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016 - Call for Proposals
Thinking of an adventure to have in 2016 then why not consider coming to the 'Weaving Stories Together' - Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016. Spread the word to your storytelling networks and friends.
This biennial conference draws participants, presenters and performers from all Australian States and territories as well as international countries. The conference program has a balance of performances and educational workshops to promote cultural exchange and develop the art, skills and application of Storytelling in a wide context of settings.
Journée mondiale du conte. Appel d’offres - Échéance : 3 Jan 2016
Chaque année, des collectivités de partout au Canada participent à la Journée mondiale du conte. Utilisant un thème, les évènements se tiennent le jour ou autour de l'équinoxe, avec des concerts pour petits et grands. Le thème de la Journée mondiale du conte sont des femmes fortes. Échéance : 3 Jan 2016
Les membres (ou groupes membres) de SCCC peuvent faire la demande de fonds destinésà appuyer un événement relié au conte prévu pour la Journée mondiale du conte (le 20 mars 2015) ou à une date se rapprochant de celleci. Un total de 5 000 $ est disponible pourl’année 2015. Chacune des subventions sera d’un maximum 500 $. histoires diffuser à la Radio Conteurs du Canada
Comme vous le savez peut-être, Storytellers of Canada-Radio-Conteurs du Canada est la seule station de radio au Canada qui se consacre entièrement à l’art du conte. En tant que membre de SC-CC, vous pouvez contribuer à cette initiative de radio communautaire d’envergure nationale!
Nous lancerons dès le mois de janvier une série de nouvelles émissions qui, nous l’espérons, vous permettra de faire connaître vos contes enregistrés.
A Tribute to Peg Hasted, June 5, 1961 - October 17, 2015
Le 3e numéro (volume 18) du Raconteur est maintenant disponible
Le 3e numéro (volume 18) du Raconteur est maintenant disponible sur ce lien:
Si vous avez payé pour une version papier, vous la recevrez bientôt par la poste!
Vente spéciale du temps des Fêtes!
L’équipe de SC-CC est très heureuse de vous annoncer sa vente spéciale du temps des Fêtes.
Pour une durée limitée, offrez un CD de StorySave en cadeau.
- chaque CD est réduit de 30% du prix initial, et ce jusqu’à épuisement des stocks
- frais de transport au Canada gratuits
- Pour les commandes reçues après le 7 décembre, nous ne pouvons garantir la livraison au Canada avant le 24 décembre 2015.
- Pour les commandes payées par chèque, nous ne pouvons garantir la livraison à temps pour le temps des Fêtes mais nous ferons de notre mieux. (Votre chèque doit être fait à l’ordre de Conteurs du Canada).
Vous avez besoin d’aide pour vos commandes? Des questions?
Contactez Brian Hetherington :
Visitez notre boutique en ligne pour commander et obtenir plus d'informations.
Quoi de mieux que d’offrir une histoire en cadeau, sauf peut-être d’envoyer un CD de StorySave à un être cher de votre part par l’entremise de l’équipe de Conteurs du Canada!
Minute of Silence with the Canada Council
Soirée nationale du conte! Novembre 2015
Quatrième Soirée nationale du conte
Novembre 2015
De l’art de faire mouche
La sagesse animale
Governor General's Literary Awards - Winners will be announced October 28th!
Log onto to find all 70 finalist books.
Stay tuned for the winners announcement on Wednesday, October 28 at
6:30 EDT.
Canada's national literary awards celebrate literature for all tastes and ages by honouring the best English-language and the best French-language books in each of 7 categories: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, children's literature (text), children's literature (illustration), and translation.
One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.
The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.
If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.
- The SC-CC Team
StorySave Launches its 14th CD in Lévis, Quebec
Lévis, Quebec (July 2, 2015) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 14th CD, Atsinikssini: LEGENDS OF MY KAINAI PEOPLE by Flora Zaharia.
The CD’s official launch is at the National Storytelling Conference in Lévis, Quebec: Where Languages Meet 2015. This is the 23rd Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 1 to 5. The CD launch takes place in beautiful Lévis, at L’anglicane, 31 rue Wolfe, on July 2nd at 8 pm and is open to the public.
Powellswood Garden Storytelling Festival coming July 24-25 in Federal Way, Washington.
We are excited to announce our Fourth Annual Powellswood Garden Storytelling Festival coming July 24-25 in Federal Way, Washington.
SCCC is seeking an individual to act as a mentor to a very vibrant and enthusiastic teller from Montreal. Her name is Mafane.