Nouvelles et Événements
Nouvelles : Ontario
Toronto Storytelling Festival May 1-16, 2021
StoryFusion Cabaret presents: Toronto, a love story in words and music
StoryFusion Cabaret presents: Toronto, a love story in words and music
Thursday, February 11 at 7:30pm, EST
Learn more and register online here!
Storytelling Toronto Award Applications
Storytelling Toronto has two upcoming awards that SC-CC Members are eligible for!
The deadline to submit for both awards is February 10 at 12pm
Alice Kane Award
The Alice Kane Award is an annual award presented by Storytelling Toronto in memory of Alice Kane (1908 – 2003). One of the co-founders of The Storytellers School of Toronto, Alice was a much beloved storyteller whose mastery of the art of storytelling made her an inspiration for many. The award is offered annually to a person or persons who wish to advance the art of storytelling through research, innovative projects, or through their own personal development as a storyteller.
Click here for Alice Kane application form
Anne Smyth Travel Award
The Anne Smythe Travel Grant was established to honour the memory of Anne Smythe,an active and well-loved member of the storytelling community. As a teller and author,she believed strongly in the value of travel and adventure in the development of a storyteller’s art. The award is designed to support the work of an active storyteller through the provision of funding to support travel expenses related to a storytelling project.
Call for Proposals: Ottawa StoryTellers
2020-2021 Signature Series
Ottawa StoryTellers is seeking proposals for storytelling shows for its 2020-2021 Signature Series - and we want to hear from you!
Le Fonds Canada 150
Le Fonds Canada 150
Le Fonds Canada 150 a pour but d’offrir aux Canadiens la possibilité de participer à des célébrations locales, régionales et nationales qui contribuent à renforcer un sentiment de fierté et d’appartenance au Canada.
De plus, un nombre limité de projets à grande échelle ayant un impact important et qui sont d’envergure nationale seront soutenue par le Fonds Canada 150 comme des projets vedettes.
Détails sur l’admissibilité
Les demandeurs admissibles au financement sous le Fonds Canada 150 sont les suivants :
- les organismes canadiens sans but lucratif, y compris les sociétés, les fiducies, les coopératives et les associations non constituées en société;
- les sociétés par actions canadiennes, y compris les partenariats, les fiducies et les coentreprises dont les projets ne sont pas de type commercial;
- les écoles canadiennes; et
- les administrations municipales canadiennes et leurs institutions.
Les ministères, institutions et organismes fédéraux, les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux et leurs institutions ainsi que les particuliers et les partis politiques ne sont pas admissibles au Fonds Canada 150.
Storytelling Toronto Awards
DEADLINE February 29th, 2016
The Alice Kane Award
The Alice Kane Award is a $1,000 award presented by Storytelling Toronto in memory of Alice Kane (1908 – 2003). One of the co-founders of The Storytellers School of Toronto, Alice was a much beloved storyteller whose mastery of the art of storytelling made her an inspiration to many.
The Anne Smythe Travel Award
The $500 Anne Smythe Travel Grant was established to honour the memory of Anne Smythe, an active and well-loved member of the storytelling community. As a teller and author, she believed strongly in the value of travel and adventure in the development of a storyteller’s art.
Ottawa StoryTellers exciting announcement!
Appel à contributions pour Le Raconteur Date d'échéance : le 1er février 2016
Another email scam
*This scam also circulated in the fall, but appears to be back again. Please share with friends.
One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.
The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.
If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.
- The SC-CC Team
The Alice Kane Award, and the Anne Smythe Travel Award
THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN.....Get your applications in for the Storytelling Toronto Alice Kane award ($1,000) and/or the Anne Smythe travel award ($500) by FEBRUARY 29TH . Go to STT web page-awards for full details.
Contact: Carol Farkas: cfarkass@gmail.comwith any questions.
Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016 - Call for Proposals
Thinking of an adventure to have in 2016 then why not consider coming to the 'Weaving Stories Together' - Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016. Spread the word to your storytelling networks and friends.
This biennial conference draws participants, presenters and performers from all Australian States and territories as well as international countries. The conference program has a balance of performances and educational workshops to promote cultural exchange and develop the art, skills and application of Storytelling in a wide context of settings.
Call for Proposals, "The Talking Stick", 1001 Nights of Storytelling
Call for proposals, "The Talking Stick" |
StoryFusion Cabaret! Turtle Island Voices, January 23rd 2016
StoryFusion Cabaret! Turtle Island Voices: An evening of Aboriginal story and world view.
Featuring Storyteller, Author and Musician Raven Murphy. With special guest, award-winning dancer and storyteller, Thée Winddancer.
Ottawa Storytellers Newsletter: Telling Times December 2015
In case you're curious what the Ottawa Storytellers are up to, check out their December 2015 newsletter at this link:
Robert Frappier
Max Tell
Prix Gardien(ne) de contes
Mosaic Storytelling Festival Dates Announced
Canada Council's New Funding Model Upcoming Webinar
Journée mondiale du conte. Appel d’offres - Échéance : 3 Jan 2016
Chaque année, des collectivités de partout au Canada participent à la Journée mondiale du conte. Utilisant un thème, les évènements se tiennent le jour ou autour de l'équinoxe, avec des concerts pour petits et grands. Le thème de la Journée mondiale du conte sont des femmes fortes. Échéance : 3 Jan 2016
Les membres (ou groupes membres) de SCCC peuvent faire la demande de fonds destinésà appuyer un événement relié au conte prévu pour la Journée mondiale du conte (le 20 mars 2015) ou à une date se rapprochant de celleci. Un total de 5 000 $ est disponible pourl’année 2015. Chacune des subventions sera d’un maximum 500 $. histoires diffuser à la Radio Conteurs du Canada
Comme vous le savez peut-être, Storytellers of Canada-Radio-Conteurs du Canada est la seule station de radio au Canada qui se consacre entièrement à l’art du conte. En tant que membre de SC-CC, vous pouvez contribuer à cette initiative de radio communautaire d’envergure nationale!
Nous lancerons dès le mois de janvier une série de nouvelles émissions qui, nous l’espérons, vous permettra de faire connaître vos contes enregistrés.
A Tribute to Peg Hasted, June 5, 1961 - October 17, 2015
One of Canada's Finest Storytellers to Perform at the MAC
Le 3e numéro (volume 18) du Raconteur est maintenant disponible
Le 3e numéro (volume 18) du Raconteur est maintenant disponible sur ce lien:
Si vous avez payé pour une version papier, vous la recevrez bientôt par la poste!
She Speaks
(un)told special feature presentation
Wednesday, November 25th
Join us for an open workshop of new and exciting stories!
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Arts Court, 2nd Floor, Black Box Studio
8:00 PM
Tickets: $5
Vente spéciale du temps des Fêtes!
L’équipe de SC-CC est très heureuse de vous annoncer sa vente spéciale du temps des Fêtes.
Pour une durée limitée, offrez un CD de StorySave en cadeau.
- chaque CD est réduit de 30% du prix initial, et ce jusqu’à épuisement des stocks
- frais de transport au Canada gratuits
- Pour les commandes reçues après le 7 décembre, nous ne pouvons garantir la livraison au Canada avant le 24 décembre 2015.
- Pour les commandes payées par chèque, nous ne pouvons garantir la livraison à temps pour le temps des Fêtes mais nous ferons de notre mieux. (Votre chèque doit être fait à l’ordre de Conteurs du Canada).
Vous avez besoin d’aide pour vos commandes? Des questions?
Contactez Brian Hetherington :
Visitez notre boutique en ligne pour commander et obtenir plus d'informations.
Quoi de mieux que d’offrir une histoire en cadeau, sauf peut-être d’envoyer un CD de StorySave à un être cher de votre part par l’entremise de l’équipe de Conteurs du Canada!
Minute of Silence with the Canada Council
Stories Aloud with the Baden Storytellers, Waterloo
November 13, 2015. The Baden Storytellers host Stories Aloud at The Button Factory, 25 Regina Street in Waterloo on Second Fridays of the month, from September through June.
Soirée nationale du conte! Novembre 2015
Quatrième Soirée nationale du conte
Novembre 2015
De l’art de faire mouche
La sagesse animale
Governor General's Literary Awards - Winners will be announced October 28th!
Log onto to find all 70 finalist books.
Stay tuned for the winners announcement on Wednesday, October 28 at
6:30 EDT.
Canada's national literary awards celebrate literature for all tastes and ages by honouring the best English-language and the best French-language books in each of 7 categories: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, children's literature (text), children's literature (illustration), and translation.
Raconteurs Toronto - Stories of the Internet
This month we're sharing stories of THE INTERNET! ICQ chats, message boards, online dating! We want to know all about your Google search results, secret World of Warcraft personas, YouTube fame!
We want your story! Raconteurs' stories should be true, have happened to you personally, and be 7-10 minutes in length. If you have a story to share, please send a brief 3-4 sentence pitch to!
Past stories can be viewed online at
Pitch guidelines are available on our website!
Story coaching is available if desired!
The Tranzac features main-floor washrooms and is barrier-free.
Doors at 6:30/ show at 7:30
Tickets are $10
tickets available online at http://raconteurs-internet.
Raconteurs Storytelling has been producing monthly events featuring live storytelling for over four years. For more information visit
Bonjour membres SC-CC!
Nous tenons à vous rappeler que vous devez nous faire parvenir votre trousse de mise en nomination pour le choix de la prochaine « Voix » de Story Save, au plus tard à minuit le 31 octobre 2015. Notez que le plus tôt que vous nous ferez parvenir votre formulaire, le plus tôt que les membres du comité de Story Save pourront se pencher sur votre dossier de mise en candidature.
Vous pouvez désigner un conteur pour StorySave à travers les pages du membre SC-CC, où vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le projet, ce que le comité est à la recherche dans les candidats, et un formulaire de candidature en ligne.
Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît communiquer avec Marion Gruner à l'adresse courriel suivante : storysave@storytellers-
StorySave attend avec impatience votre soumission. Merci.
Canadian Storytelling Night with Durham Folklore Storytellers - November 6th
This year, Durham Folklore Storytellers are hosting their first Canadian storytelling concert on Friday, November 6, at the St. Francis Centre for Community, Arts and Culture, 78 Church St. S. in Ajax. There is an afternoon performance for school children from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm and a Canadian Storytelling Night Concert for adults and older children from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. What a great way to start the winter storytelling season!
Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada lance un appel à candidatures aux conteurs de la relève (18 à 35 ans).
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : le 27 novembre 2015
One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.
The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.
If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.
- The SC-CC Team
Forum national sur les arts littéraires
Les 14 et 15 février 2014, quelque 250 membres de la communauté littéraire canadienne se sont réunis à Montréal; ces deux jours de rencontres et de discussions visaient le développement d’une vision positive pour l’avenir de la littérature canadienne. L’événement portait sur quatre thèmes : création, publication/production, diffusion et pérennité.
En savoir plus ici .
La prochaine «Voix» de StorySave
Nous tenons à vous rappeler que vous devez nous faire parvenir votre trousse de mise en nomination pour le choix de la prochaine « Voix » de Story Save, au plus tard à minuit le 31 octobre 2015.
Appel à contributions pour Le Raconteur
Date d'échéance : le 1er octobre 2015
Dinny Biggs et Marylyn Peringer, les rédactrices en chef de Le Raconteur, souhaitent publier des articles sur le conte pouvant intéresser les membres de SC-CC de tout le pays. Il peut s’agir d’un article inédit ou déjà publié (par exemple, dans le bulletin de nouvelles d’une association locale).
Raconteurs for July 2015
JULY 8TH, 2015
The Pan Am Games are in town and so this month, Raconteurs brings you tales of “SPORTS”! Were you the captain of your swim team? Did pee wee soccer teach you how to be a team player? Did running change your life — or ruin your body? Winning, losing, or just playing the game – we want your stories of sports, both team and solo!
We want your story! Raconteurs' stories should be true, have happened to you personally, and be 7-10 minutes in length.
Past stories can be viewed online at
If you have a story to share, please send a brief 3-4 sentence pitch to Story coaching is available if desired!
The Tranzac features main-floor washrooms and is barrier-free.
Parking is available on street.
Doors at 6:30/ show at 7:30
Tickets are $10
Raconteurs Storytelling has been producing monthly events featuring live storytelling for over four years. For more information visit
The Tranzac features main-floor washrooms and is barrier-free.
Parking is available on street.
Doors at 6:30/ show at 7:30
Tickets are $10
ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT http://raconteurs-sports.
Raconteurs Storytelling has been producing monthly events featuring live storytelling for over four years. For more information visit
StorySave Launches its 14th CD in Lévis, Quebec
Lévis, Quebec (July 2, 2015) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 14th CD, Atsinikssini: LEGENDS OF MY KAINAI PEOPLE by Flora Zaharia.
The CD’s official launch is at the National Storytelling Conference in Lévis, Quebec: Where Languages Meet 2015. This is the 23rd Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 1 to 5. The CD launch takes place in beautiful Lévis, at L’anglicane, 31 rue Wolfe, on July 2nd at 8 pm and is open to the public.
Raconteurs presents "NEIGHBOURHOODS" - June 17th!
Join us on June 17th!
This month we’re sharing stories of NEIGHBOURHOODS!
Le Fonds stratégique international
Le Conseil des Arts du Canada offre un nouveau volet de la Soutien à la promotion des arts littéraires : Subventions de projets: Le Fonds stratégique international.
Appel à contributions pour Le Raconteur
Date d'échéance : le 1er juin 2015
Dinny Biggs et Marylyn Peringer, les rédactrices en chef de Le Raconteur, souhaitent publier des articles sur le conte pouvant intéresser les membres de SC-CC de tout le pays. Il peut s’agir d’un article inédit ou déjà publié (par exemple, dans le bulletin de nouvelles d’une association locale).
Dare! Stories we thought we’d never tell: April 15th, Brian Finch hosting
It’s spring, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and “Dare! Stories we thought we’d never tell” is hitting up it’s 4th instalment. Life is so good.
Join us as Dare team member Brian Finch hosts a lineup of performers born ready to woo and wow you with a whole new set of tales…
SCCC is seeking an individual to act as a mentor to a very vibrant and enthusiastic teller from Montreal. Her name is Mafane.
Ottawa StoryTellers is celebrating World Storytelling Day on Sunday, March 22, 2015
World Storytelling Day 2015 – Wishes
From 2pm to 4pm
at the Sandy Hill Community Centre located at 250 Somerset Street EAST near the University of Ottawa.
Storytelling Toronto Festival Launches with World Storytelling Day!
March 20th event out of the Village of Storytellers project in Toronto and leading off activities for the Toronto Storytelling Festival.
FRESH STORIES World Storytelling Day, March 20
“If Wishes were Horses…”, featuring Burlington Storyteller Bob Tadman and Carol Leigh Wehking, from Cambridge.