Nouvelles et Événements
Nouvelles : Archive 2024-01
Call For Expertise - FEST Conference Glasgow
The Federation for European Storytelling (FEST), The Village Storytelling Centre (Scotland), Adverse Camber (England), The Armstrong Storytelling Trust (Northern Ireland) and the storytelling community of Wales are pleased to invite the international storytelling community to the annual 2024 FEST conference in Glasgow on June 25 – 27.
We are in the process of putting together the conference programme, which will run in parallel with The Village Storytelling Festival.
We are looking for workshop and lecture contributions from storytellers and representatives of storytelling organisations from Europe and beyond to create a rich and relevant programme - i.e. we need you!
Sessions will be selected to ensure a well-rounded program, aiming for a balance of diverse themes and engaging participant experiences. The selection process will prioritise the level of expertise of the session leader as well as the relevance and quality of the session outline.
Follow this link for more information and for the application form itself.
Légendes de la Chine millénaire (Agora de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec)

Un nouveau spectacle d'Aurore Liang! Si vous êtes à Québec, ne manquez pas son spectacle à l’Assemblée nationale du Québec le 3 février.
Prenez place dans ce voyage extraordinaire où les légendes prennent vie et dans lequel l’ancienne Chine révèle quelques mystères à travers trois récits mythiques qui ont traversé les âges : la création de l’univers avec l’épopée de Pangu; la légende de la déesse Nuwa, créatrice divine qui a tissé des liens entre les hommes et les dieux; et la légende du Nouvel An chinois, qui raconte comment un monstre menace un village paisible.
Texas Storytelling Festival 2024

Everyone loves a good story! Join us for some old-fashioned entertainment at the Texas Storytelling Festival March 7-10. Hear personal stories, ghost tales, folktales, and more. In addition, participants can attend workshops to hone their own storytelling skills. National tellers include Donald Davis, Nestor Gomez, Fran Stallings, and Kathy Culmer. Weekend passes and individual event tickets are available. Early bird deadline is February 29.
(940) 380 – 9320
Everything you need to know can be found at
National Storytelling Network 2024 Conference: Together Again!