Nouvelles et Événements
Nouvelles : Archive 2023-09
Upcoming deadline for Ontario Arts Council Indigenous Artists in Communities and Schools Projects: October 18th, 2023
Upcoming deadline for Ontario Arts Council Indigenous Artists in Communities and Schools Projects: October 18th, 2023
Programmation automnale 2023 de SC-CC : les après-midi Brico-conte
Pin-Pin The Eggsplorer Returns! A show by Sally Jaeger

Pin Pin the Eggsplorer is coming back to Red Sandcastle Theatre October 4-8! Come and meet the new puppets!
If you haven't seen this sparkling show yet, please join us and be delighted! Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, school age, parents and grandparents all love this show!
Get your tickets at
Bridges - 2023 Alberta Annual Retreat on the shores of beautiful Sylvan Lake.

Bridges - A Retreat for Storytellers
featuring Ruth Stewart-Verger & Cheryle Chagnon-GreyeyesSeptember 2023
Friday 22nd - Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th
Camp Kuriakos Centre on the shores of beautiful Sylvan Lake, Alberta