Nouvelles et Événements

Nouvelles : Archive 2022-03

Appel de candidatures de coordonnateur.trice d’une série d'ateliers anglophones


Storytellers of Canada– Conteurs du Canada est à la recherche d'un ou d'une coordonnatrice de projetpour superviser une série d’ateliers anglophones visant à renforcer lescompétences des conteurs et conteuses. Une série similaire sera offerte enfrançais dans le courant de l'hiver et/ou du printemps 2023, et un appel decandidatures spécifique sera lancé à l'automne pour le poste decoordonnateur.trice de ce volet francophone.

Cliquez 'Lire la suite' ou ici pour l'appel complete

Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador - From Dildo to Dover with Dale Jarvis

Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador - From Dildo to Dover with Dale JarvisDale Jarvis has a new book! Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador - From Dildo to Dover. Learn more and pre-order from Flanker Press:

Across Womb Waters of the Sea: World Storytelling Day event


Across Womb Waters of the Sea:

Stories, Music and Art for World Storytelling Day

With Dawne McFarlane, Mairi Campbell, Tamsin Haggis

Click here for the event poster

North Van Tellers present "What Goes Around Comes Around...."

North Van Tellers present What Goes Around Comes Around....Check out SC-CC Grant recipient North Van Tellers' World Storytelling Day Concert: 'What Goes Around Comes Around' on March 20th at 7pm Pacific. Three personal stories of turning points in life: refinding love after wartime separation; a daughter makes peace with her mother at the threshold of death; and how a moment can change a life. Get your tickets on Eventbrite:

Scottish International Storytelling Festival: Imagine Online

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival is delighted to present Imagine Online, a collection of 11 world-class storytelling performances available on-demand from Sunday 20th March, which is World Storytelling Day.

Specially commissioned for SISF 2021 these stories challenge us to imagine something different, to imagine pasts, futures, or a timeless other. You are invited to dip into dreams and desires, old and new, lost worlds and worlds still to become.

Tickets are now on sale ahead of the launch on 20 March 2022,
including a Pass for BSL versions.

For more info and updates head to
and follow us on social media:
@scotstoryfest, #SISFImagine

APPEL DE CANDIDATURES Festival du conte pour enfants d’Ottawa

Ottawa StoryTellers a le plaisir d'annoncer que les candidatures sont maintenant ouvertes
pour le 28e festival annuel du conte pour enfants d'Ottawa, du 21 au 26 novembre 2022. Le
festival est présenté par Ottawa StoryTellers (OST), la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa
(BPO), le Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE), le Consortium Centre
Jules-Legér (CCJL), le Cercle des conteurs et conteuses de l'Est de l'Ontario (CCCEO) et

Odawa Native Friendship Centre.

Trouvez l'appel ici:

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