Nouvelles et Événements

Nouvelles : Archive 2021-06

Location-Based Storytelling Projects and Collaborations - workshop with David Merleau



Date - Sunday July 25th

Time - 1pm-3pm Eastern Time (find your time zone here)

Cost - Pay-what-you-can (suggested $25) + Eventbrite fees

This workshop is limited to 12 participants, first-come-first-serve. Participants must be members of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada.

Register on Eventbrite

The workshop will be hosted on Zoom

Levée de fonds StorySave : Convoitez-vous la courtepointe?

Levée de fonds StorySave : Convoitez-vous la courtepointe?
L'incomparable Pearl-Ann Gooding et son incroyable équipe ont créé une autre magnifique courtepointe, qui va bientôt se chercher un foyer... 

Nous avons finalement décidé de faire une levée de fonds qui permettra à tous les donateurs de courir la chance de remporter la courtepointe ! 

New-Fangled Fibs: Tall Tales by Paul Strickland


Join Surrey Civic Theatres for New Fangled Fibs: Tall Tales by Paul Strickland. A collection of hilarious tall tales from Kentuckian, and award-winning comedic storyteller, Paul Strickland. These online performances and shows are designed to help people staying home connect with the performing arts. 

June 18–30, 2021. 

Premiere performance on June 18 at 7pm includes post-show chat with Paul Strickland.

Tickets are Pay What You Want, with a suggested price of $15. Click here to buy tickets.

Click here to read the press release.

CAPACOA: Re-engaging Audiences: Moving from Shutdown to Shout Out

CAPACOA: Re-engaging Audiences: Moving from Shutdown to Shout Out
A workshop from Canadian Association for the Performing Arts  

Re-engaging Audiences: Moving from Shutdown to Shout Out
June 8, 2021 at 1:00 - 2:30pm Atlantic Time
Facilitator: Inga Petri, Strategic Moves

As COVID-19 vaccinations rise, our attention turns to what we need to do to re-engage our audiences and rebuild a vibrant performing arts and touring sector in cities and towns.

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