Nouvelles et Événements

Nouvelles : Archive 2021-03

Célébration de l’équinoxe du printemps avec la nation Heiltsuk

Célébration de l’équinoxe du printemps avec la nation Heiltsuk
Le 28 avril 2021, 16 h HE (13 h HP)
L'inscription est maintenant ouverte :

N̓ála et bákvḷa
Dans la langue Haiìɫzaqv, n̓aìla signifie cycle, saison, firmament, jour et météo. Nous, Haiìɫzaqv, sommes régis par les saisons, nous vivons notre vie en fonction des saisons. Le ciel et la météo sont des êtres surnaturels entrelacés dans notre cycle bákvḷa. Bákvḷa signifie récolter et conserver la nourriture pour l’hiver dans le respect des lois haíɫzaqv visant à maintenir l’équilibre naturel du monde. Découvrez comment le ciel, la terre et l’océan sont liés dans les modes de connaissance des Haíɫzaqv grâce au hareng, une espèce culturelle et biologique clé.

Storytelling Toronto: No Fooling! Copyright Workshop


Storytelling Toronto is hosting an online workshop for storytellers on Copyright


NO FOOLING! a workshop for storytellers on copyright - APRIL 2021 (ONLINE)

NO FOOLING! – a Virtual Workshop for Storytellers on Copyright
Led by Donna Dudinsky; hosted by Karen Blair
Course Description
We will look at how to determine if a work is in the public domain; when permission is needed; attribution; use of songs; how Zoom has changed the permissions landscape. Bring your questions.
Course Schedule
Thursday, April 1, 2021 – 7:00 – 8:00pm EDT
Fee:  $10

Dates de l’AGA de 2021

L’AGA virtuelle de Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada aura lieu les 10 et 11 juillet 2021. Plus de détails seront communiqués au cours des prochains mois!

Nos conteurs de la relève de 2019 de l’île de Vancouver se produiront à l’ouverture et à la fermeture de chaque journée.

The Hug Podcast Call for Stories


The Hug Podcast is looking for storytellers! Part of the Good Life Project network, The Hug Podcast is a new show that will feature first-person stories about those moments in life that remind us just how good people can be. The show will begin airing in April 2021. 

Learn more about the project and how to submit on their website:
Questions? Email

National Storytelling Network: Earth Up


The National Storytelling Network (USA) is holding a virtual storytelling event

Earth Up

A Weekend of Storytelling Aimed at Changing Our World

Live Events: April 9-11, 2021
On-demand content starts April 5

Join the National Storytelling Network for a storied exploration of our planet, its climate, habitats, the human behaviors that have moved us toward extinction and the actions that we can take to preserve our world. This conference will focus on environmental justice and how we can use stories to educate, awaken, and inspire individuals, businesses, industries and government entities toward positive action.

Learn more and register on their website:

Survey Request: Professional Fees for Storytellers


A message from Suzanne Whitby of the Story Cafe asking for participants to fill out an online survey about professional fees for storytellers

Virtual Humanity- A Zee Zee Theatre Production


Virtual Humanity- A Zee Zee Theatre Production

Inspired the Human Library created by Stop The Violence (Copenhagen)
Saturdays & Sundays in March, 12 pm – 3pm via Zoom

Virtual Humanity is a new Zee Zee Theatre initiative, which pivots Human Library, our community-based storytelling event into a new digital platform. Zee Zee has produced Human Library over the past eight seasons, and is keen to reimagine the project for this new era, curated by Bunny (Daisy Joe) and Sam Chimes. 

In Virtual Humanity audience members select a title from the collection of 30+ “Virtual Humans” in the collection – something that intrigues them, confuses them. They will then proceed into a one-one-one digital face to face conversation with their “Virtual Human”, a person who will share the true personal story that is reflected in their title, over the course of 20 minutes. This is a project designed to shatter preconceived notions about otherhood, to challenge our biases and misunderstandings and put a human face to difference as a means to foster empathy.

Learn more about how to attend or participate on their website, here:

Writer's Federation of Nova Scotia Storytelling Workshop with shalan joudry


The Writer's Federation of Nova Scotia is hosting an online storytelling workshop with shalan joudry.

Dates of 4-week workshop: Tuesdays, Apr. 6 + Apr. 13 + Apr. 20 + Apr. 27 (6:30pm to 8:30pm)

Registration for this workshop is open to Indigenous participants only. The workshop is free.

Learn more on their website

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