Nouvelles et Événements
Nouvelles : Archive 2018-05
Oxford Storytelling Festival 2018

The Oxford Storytelling Festival in Oxford UK is coming up this August!
Organizers are delighted with the incredible line up and want to share a few of the details of the festival with you. The theme this year is 'Home and Belonging'.
Classes de maître et ateliers du 4 juillet

Pour s'inscrire aux classes de maître et ateliers du 4 juillet :
1001 Friday Nights of Storytelling – Celebrating 40 Years
1001 Friday Nights of Storytelling – Celebrating 40 Years
Friday, May 25, at 7:30 PM – 10 PM
Innis Town Hall,
2 Sussex Ave.
Email Scam
Thanks to everyone who is letting us know about the email scam circulating with a too-good-to-be-true offer from the Oxford Storytelling Festival.
This is not the first time someone has sent this kind of message to storytellers; there are other versions of the scam using the names of other storytelling festivals, but the general nature of it is that a teller is offered a large quantity of money for a short performance, as well as airfare and accommodation. If they respond positively, they are asked for personal details, visa and passport information, and possibly banking details leading to potential identity or monetary theft.
Weaving Stories Together - Sydney International Storytelling Conference June 2018
Planning on a trip to Australia this June? Consider attending the Weaving StoriesTogether- Sydney International Storytelling Conference June 1-3 2018. It is not too late to enjoy a conference with a difference.