Nouvelles et Événements

Nouvelles : Archive 2016-01

Ottawa StoryTellers exciting announcement!

Ottawa StoryTellers exciting announcement!
Tom Lips, President of the Ottawa StoryTellers Board of Directors, Gail Anglin, Chair of the Performance  Committee, all members of the OST Board, and Laurie Fyffe, Managing Artistic Director, invite you to a meeting to discuss revitalizing the 
Ottawa StoryTellers Festival in 2017!

The Game's Afoot - Stories from Sherlock Holmes


Victoria Storytellers' Guild
The Game's Afoot
Stories from Sherlock Holmes
Kathie Kompass & Mary Wiggin
as presented at the
National Arts Centre in Ottawa

Appel à contributions pour Le Raconteur Date d'échéance : le 1er février 2016

Dinny Biggs et Marylyn Peringer, les rédactrices en chef de Le Raconteur, souhaitent publier des articles sur le conte pouvant intéresser les membres de SC-CC de tout le pays. Il peut s’agir d’un article inédit ou déjà publié (par exemple, dans le bulletin de nouvelles d’une association locale).

Another email scam



*This scam also circulated in the fall, but appears to be back again. Please share with friends.

One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE  BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.

The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.

If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.   

- The SC-CC Team

The Alice Kane Award, and the Anne Smythe Travel Award


THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN.....Get your applications in for the Storytelling Toronto Alice Kane award ($1,000) and/or the Anne Smythe travel award ($500) by FEBRUARY 29TH .  Go to STT web page-awards for full details. 

Contact: Carol Farkas: cfarkass@gmail.comwith any questions. 

Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016 - Call for Proposals


Thinking of an adventure to have in 2016 then why not consider coming to the 'Weaving Stories Together' Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016Spread the word to your storytelling networks and friends.

This biennial conference draws participants, presenters and performers from all Australian States and territories as well as international countries. The conference program has a balance of performances and educational workshops to promote cultural exchange and develop the art, skills and application of Storytelling in a wide context of settings.

Call for Proposals, "The Talking Stick", 1001 Nights of Storytelling


Call for proposals, "The Talking Stick"
Special Storyfire event Friday, 
April 1

StoryFusion Cabaret! Turtle Island Voices, January 23rd 2016

StoryFusion Cabaret! Turtle Island Voices, January 23rd 2016

StoryFusion Cabaret! Turtle Island Voices: An evening of Aboriginal story and world view.

Featuring Storyteller, Author and Musician Raven Murphy. With special guest, award-winning dancer and storyteller, Thée Winddancer.

Call For Auditions, Sweetline Theatre, St. John's, Nfld


Call for Auditions - Owl Was a Baker's Daughter: Folk Tales That Inspired Shakespeare

Ottawa Storytellers Newsletter: Telling Times December 2015

Ottawa Storytellers Newsletter: Telling Times December 2015

In case you're curious what the Ottawa Storytellers are up to, check out their December 2015 newsletter at this link:

Robert Frappier

Robert FrappierSC-CC est profondément attristé de vous annoncer le décès soudain de Robert Frappier, conteur, et notre ancien représentant francophone, à la fin de Décembre 2015. Nos plus sincères condoléances à tous les amis et la famille de Robert.

Max Tell

Max TellIt is with great sorrow that SC-CC announces the passing of a dear, talented storyteller, Max Tell, on December 13th. He brought joy and inspiration to people of all ages, and will be greatly missed. We extend our sincerest sympathies to his friends and family.

Prix Gardien(ne) de contes

Les renseignements relatifs au Prix Gardien(ne) de contes, lequel a été créé par SC / CC afin de rendre témoignage à des conteurs(euses) exceptionnels(les), sont maintenant disponibles sur la page des membres. Cette année nous accepterons des nominations provenant de l’Ouest uniquement (de Manitoba à l’Ile de Vancouver, régions nordiques incluses). L’année prochaine nous serons à la recherche de nominations provenant de l’Est. L’échéance pour faire une nomination est le 15 mars 2016.
Mot de passe oublié?