Nouvelles et Événements

Call for TALES Storytelling Festival Proposals

The TALES Storytelling Festival, in conjunction with the SC-CC 2017 conference team, invites proposals to tell at our evening concerts.

Friday’s concert is titled “Canadian Spirits” and will (if the liquor commission approves!) feature spirit tasting. We welcome proposals for spirited stories of the paranormal variety, preferably with a Canadian connection.

Saturday’s concert is titled “Tales, Trails and Rails”. Our focus is on Canada and its history. 

You may apply for one or both. You may apply to tell in English or in French. 

Your proposal must give us specifics of the story you’d tell - a synopsis, the mood, the length, any special approaches. Stories should be no longer than 20 minutes. We like the variety of some short stories mixed in as well.

In addition to a description of your proposed story, please provide us with two story samples. They may be audio or video. Please limit the review time to 10 minutes. You can send your proposal to Please provide us with links, share via DropBox, or mail materials to:

Renée Englot
145 Grand Meadow Crescent
Edmonton, AB
T6L 1X1

Deadline for receipt is January 20, 2017.
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