Nouvelles et Événements

Appel de candidatures de coordonnateur.trice d’une série d'ateliers anglophones


***Cet appel en anglais concerne une série d'ateliers anglophones visant à renforcer les compétences des conteurs et conteuses. Une série similaire sera offerte en français dans le courant de l'hiver et/ou du printemps 2023, et un appel de candidatures spécifique sera lancé à l'automne pour le poste de coordonnateur.trice de ce volet francophone.***

Call for Project Coordinator: Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada 'Building Storytelling Skills' Workshop Series 

Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC) is currently seeking a Project Coordinator to oversee a series of 4-5 virtual workshops in a series on the topic of Building Storytelling Skills. The series will offer practical workshops on developing and honing storytelling skills. The Project Coordinator will work closely with Erin Beaubien, SC-CC Programming Coordinator, to oversee the planning, development, and delivery of the workshops.
Access to these workshops is a benefit of membership with Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada and funding is fully subsidized by SC-CC.
Project Coordinator Responsibilities:

  • Developing a workshop plan and reviewing plan with SC-CC staff.
  • Selecting and managing diverse artists relevant to the presentations. 
  • Working with a predetermined budget provided by SC-CC.
  • Corresponding with SC-CC staff to manage administrative tasks, including but not limited to artist agreements; payment information; registration and scheduling.
  • Supporting SC-CC Staff with marketing plan, including but not limited to helping to write/review text; collecting bios and headshots for artists; distributing promotional materials.
  • Timely communication with SC-CC staff and artists with respect to all matters affecting their contribution to the event.
  • Selecting and working with a suitable technical host who will support the workshop day-of. Technical hosting includes but is not limited to starting and hosting the Zoom meeting, joining in advance with the artist for tech check, admitting and monitoring attendees, monitoring Zoom functions (chat, Q&A, breakout rooms, screen sharing, polls, etc.,). The Project Coordinator may act as technical host and be paid as such.
  • Providing their own equipment suitable for online work (computer, strong internet connection, etc.)
The Project Coordinator fee is $2000 for the entire series. This is estimated at 20 hours x $25/hr. per 2-hour workshop. Workshops will take place over the fall/winter of 2022. Planning will happen throughout the Spring/Summer. Priority for this position will go to SC-CC members.
How to Apply
Send us a letter of interest outlining your vision for this series, your experience coordinating similar projects or workshops, and contact information (email & phone). CVs and/or resumes are also welcome.

Please send applications to Erin Beaubien, SC-CC Programming Coordinator at with the subject line "Building Storytelling Skills Project Coordinator Application" by Sunday May 1st, 2022. 

Questions? Contact us! | 647-532-2445

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