Nouvelles et Événements

Espoir, humour et guérison : Un spectacle national de conte autochtone organisé par Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada


Espoir, humour et guérison : Un spectacle national de conte autochtone organisé par Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada


Date : le samedi 22 octobre 2022

Heure : 17 h, heure de l'Est (cliquez ici pour voir votre fuseau horaire)

Billets : sur contribution volontaire. Toutes les contributions seront appréciées, quel qu'en soit le montant!


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En l'honneur de la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada offrira un spectacle virtuel sur le thème de l'espoir, de l'humour et de la guérison pour célébrer la résilience et la survivance des récits et des traditions orales autochtones malgré la violence engendrée par les pensionnats. La parole joue un rôle important dans le processus de vérité et de réconciliation, la répression subie dans les pensionnats ayant empêché la transmission orale de nombreux récits. Or, la parole est utile à différents égards, notamment la transmission des savoirs, des contes et des traditions. Les histoires nous permettent de garder espoir en nous remettant en mémoire notre rapport au passé et à l'avenir. Elles ont la capacité d'apporter de la joie et de nous aider à guérir les traumatismes des pensionnats.


Artistes invitées : Matricia Bauer, Paulette Duguay, D.B. McLeod, Rosa M John, et Jessica Outram. Animation : Stephanie Pangowish. Direction artistique : Sandra Lamouche.


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Artist Biographies - biographies d'artistes

Biographies are provided in the language of the artist’s performance

Les biographies sont affichées dans la langue dans laquelle les artistes feront leur prestation


Matricia Bauer (Alberta)

Matricia has had the privilege of sharing her culture over the last 20 years to schools throughout the Yellowhead Region. Matricia is a singer, songwriter, musician, drummer and an artist. Matricia teaches drum making and leather binding, makes moccasins, traditional fur mittens, and other traditional workshops that you can register for here. She has her own jewelry line infusing First Nations culture into modern jewelry designs. An experienced large tour operator with APT Tour, Rocky Mountaineer, and Jasper Parks, Matricia is equally an experienced guest lecturer touring Edson schools, and presenting at a number of national conferences over the years.


Paulette Duguay (Manitoba)

Paulette est une femme de famille avec 5 enfants et 10 petits-enfants. Elle est fière d’avoir contribué à une famille proche, unie et de bonne santé avec son mari de plus de 48 ans, Denis. Paulette a aussi maintenu des amitiés depuis son enfance qui dureront toute sa vie. Ses proches incluant sa famille, ses amis et ses collègues, sont de la plus haute importance pour elle. Elle chérit toutes ses connections. Paulette contribue à l’UNMSJM (Union nationale métisse Saint-Joseph du Manitoba) depuis 2008 en comblant une variété de postes, plus récemment celui de Présidente. Les intérêts de Paulette varient du cinéma aux relations humaines. En effet, Paulette est une cinéphile avec un penchant pour les films internationaux. Ceci n’est pas surprenant car elle s’intéresse aussi beaucoup aux langues. L’UNMSJM a toujours été d’une très grande importance pour Paulette comme c’est un organisme dans lequel sa famille a œuvré pendant plusieurs années. Elle continue le travail de sa famille tout en respectant ses ancêtres et les anciens. En plus d’être la Présidente du CA de l’UNMSJM, Paulette siège au CA du comité directeur du Théâtre du Cercle Molière en préparation au 100e anniversaire le 25 avril 2025 et le CA de la Fondation canadienne pour le dialogue des cultures (comité national siégé à Ottawa).


D.B. McLeod (Ontario)

Proud IndigiQueer Urban Anishinaabe Kwe, who’s home territory is Sagamok Anishnawbek F.N located on the north shore of Lake Huron. D.B. along with her comedy sisters founded Manifest Destiny’s Child Comedy Collective in 2017.  While with MDC she has taken the stage for events like The Toronto International Film Festival, Royal Ontario Museam’s Friday Night Live, and Art Gallery of Ontario’s First Thursday. Denise. was also invited to be in comedy shows like Mirchi Comedy (formerly known as Yas Kween) 4th Birthday celebration that was a part of Comedy is Art Festival. D.B’s comedy is rooted in her Indigeneity, focuses on making fun of colonization, misogyny and racism, just enough to make white men uncomfortable.  D.B. has graced the cover of the NOW magazine’s 2021 Love Your Body issue, beyond her love of comedy D.B. has a new found passion of Burlesque and has performed in the first ever Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival and the 34th annual Weesageechak Begins to Dance.

Instagram: @ db.mcleod

Twitter: @ DBMcLeod


Rosa M John (Alberta)
Rosa John, Ciboney Taino Nation, is a mother of 4 and grandmother of 15 grandchildren. She has toured nationally and internationally and is the Artistic Director/Choreographer of (KNDT) Kehewin Native Dance Theatre.  Rosa is one of 2 principle storytellers for KNDT. For the last 45 years, she has been sharing traditional stories that were passed onto her since she was 16 years old. She is a graduate of the Native Theatre School of 1981,  a BA in Native Studies/Cultural Studies from Trent University and an MFA in Theatre Arts from University of Calgary.  She studied Classical Ballet, Modern Jazz and Tap and taught classical and Contemporary dance for the Bonnyville School of Dance in Alberta.  She previously danced Lady’s Fancy, but after an accident in 1991 she now dances Southern Traditional in the Pow Wow arena.  She has written scripts and choreographed for over 25 KNDT performances, managed the Aboriginal Experiences tourism site in Ottawa for 8 years and was the Artistic Director for the Canadian Aboriginal Festival for 5 years.

Jessica Outram (Ontario)

Jessica Outram is the Poet Laureate of Cobourg. Her most recent poetry collection ‘The Thing with Feathers’ launched in April. She is a Métis writer and educator. By day she works as the Principal of Indigenous Education for the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board.


Stephanie Pangowish, Emcee (Ontario)

Stephanie is an artist that focuses on humorous storytelling at festivals, workshops and now as one of the first Female Pow wow MCs in Ontario. Stephanie's achievements as a comedic storyteller include being a TedX Speaker on Indigenous Humor and Resiliency, Co-founder of Canada’s first Indigenous female comedy group, Manifest Destiny’s Child, Performed at Gchi-dewin Storytelling Festival, University of Alberta, ROM & TIFF. She’s Lectured on Indigenous Humor in many post secondary institutions across North America and has recently written for the Indigenous Comedy TV series, Acting Good.


Sandra Lamouche (Alberta)

Sandra Lamouche nitsikason, niya nehiyaw iskwew (Cree Woman) from the Bigstone Cree Nation in Northern Alberta and married into the Piikani Nation in Southern Alberta and mother to two boys with braids. I recently completed my M.A. Thesis at Trent University, titled “Nitona Miyo Pimadisiwin (Seeking a Good Life) Through Indigenous Dance” which examines Indigenous Dance as a Social Determinant of Health and Well Being. Sandra is a multidisciplinary creator and storyteller, she is a Champion Hoop Dancer, award winning Indigenous Educational Leader, two-time TEDx Speaker, artist, and writer. I have over ten years working in K-12 education specializing in Indigenous ways of knowing and reconciliation. 

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