Nouvelles et Événements

Healthy Habits for Artists Workshop - Toronto


Healthy Habits

January 25, 2018 | 12:30 – 4:00 pm | Artscape Youngplace (Queen St. and Ossington Ave)

This workshop addresses the fact that artistic practice can entail unhealthy habits. Facilitated by a registered dietitian and a physiotherapist, this workshop will help artists gain individual insight into their own habits in regards to diet, exercise and sleep.

For more information, visit:

Social Media: #NewYear #Resolutions may motivate you, but you need the #habits to follow through. On Jan 25, Artists’ Health Alliance is hosting a half-day #PWYC workshop to help you do just that! #healthyhabits #healthyartists #workshop #nutrition #movement#exercise


Twitter handle: @health4artists

Facebook page: @artistshealthalliance


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