Nouvelles et Événements

Cassandra Wye Science Storytelling Workshop


Storyteller Cassandra Wye has a new workshop: Science Storytelling Workshop

From Cassandra:

I have been working over the past year on an international collaboration - Under the Same Sky - using science storytelling as the theme for developing education and  training for children, teenagers and adults from marginalised communities.  The focus has been an experiment in remote training with Somalian refugee community in Kenya - in partnership with Kenyan storyteller John Namai

You can find out more about it from our short document here: 

We are currently at the final phase of our project - sharing our learning with storytelling, theatre and community development organisations around the globe.

We have more funding available than expected and so I wondered whether Canadian Storytelling community -  would be interested in hosting an online training session?

Training would be:
  • From 1 - 2 .5 hours 
  • For storytellers experienced or beginners around the globe who work or want to work in education and training 
  • Delivered online via Zoom as an interactive session
  • For up to 30 participants 
  • Funded by British Council Africa - and therefore offered for free to participants

All sessions have to be completed by end of July 

If you are interested - please do get in touch and we can discuss it in more detail 

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