Nouvelles et Événements

The Alice Kane Award, and the Anne Smythe Travel Award


THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN.....Get your applications in for the Storytelling Toronto Alice Kane award ($1,000) and/or the Anne Smythe travel award ($500) by FEBRUARY 29TH .  Go to STT web page-awards for full details. 

Contact: Carol Farkas: cfarkass@gmail.comwith any questions. 

Storytelling Toronto offers two annual storytelling awards.  The Alice Kane Award and the Anne Smythe Travel Award are intended to advance the work of active storytellers.

Links to the PDF Application forms can be found at the bottom of this page.

Applications must be received by Storytelling Toronto by February 16, 2015.

The Alice Kane Award

The Alice Kane Award is a $1,000 award presented by Storytelling Toronto in memory of Alice Kane (1908 – 2003). One of the co-founders of The Storytellers School of Toronto, Alice was a much beloved storyteller whose mastery of the art of storytelling made her an inspiration to many.

The award is offered annually to a person or persons who wish to advance the art of storytelling through research, innovative projects, or through their own personal development as a storyteller.

• The Alice Kane Award is $1,000. If there is more than one recipient, the money will be shared equally.

• The recipient(s) is/are selected through a juried process. The jury is anonymous.


• Open to supporters of Storytelling Toronto and members of Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada

• The Alice Kane Award will not be given for activities already completed.


• Applications must be received by Storytelling Toronto by February 16, 2015.

• The applicants will be informed of the jury’s decision by the end of March, 2015.

• The recipient(s) will be officially announced in the launch of the Toronto Annual Toronto Storytelling Festival in March 2015.

Expectations of the Recipient:

Within three months of completion of the activity, the recipient(s) is/are required to submit to Storytelling Toronto an article of publishable quality describing their work. This article will be published in Pippin and Le Raconteur, newsletters of Storytelling Toronto and Storytellers of Canada/ Conteurs du Canada.

The recipient(s) is/are encouraged make a public presentation relating to their activity within the year. Suggested locations are the annual Storytellers of Canada/Conteurs du Canada conference, storytelling festivals, local gatherings, or a house concert.


The Anne Smythe Travel Grant

The Anne Smythe Travel Grant was established to honour the memory of Anne Smythe, an active and well-loved member of the storytelling community. As a teller and author, she believed strongly in the value of travel and adventure in the development of a storyteller’s art.

The award is designed to support the work of an active storyteller through the provision of funding to support travel expenses related to a storytelling project. To apply for the Anne Smythe Travel Grant, storytellers should complete and send the application form to Storytelling Toronto describing your travel plans and budget, as well as how the proposed trip will enhance your storytelling work. The purpose of the travel could include research, mentoring, participation in conferences and festivals.

• The Anne Smythe Travel Award is a grant of $500

• The recipient(s) is/are selected through a juried process. The jury is anonymous.


• Applicants for the Anne Smythe Travel Award must be supporters of Storytelling Toronto or members of Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada.

• The Anne Smythe Travel Award will not be given for travel already completed.


• The deadline to receive applications is February 16, 2015.

• The applicants will be informed of the jury’s decision by mid-March.

• The recipient(s) will be officially announced by the end of March.

• The recipient(s) will be officially announced in the launch of the Toronto Annual Toronto Storytelling Festival in March 2015.



Alice Kane Award (link)

Anne Smythe Travel Award (link)

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