Dreams and Other Realities
Dreams and Other Realities (audio cassette) by Angela Lloyd. At Last Productions, 1995. 63 mins. $11 cassette, $15 CD. $2 shipping & handling.
From the enchanting opening (Name Chant by Carl Orff) to the closing song which tucks listeners in, Lloyd takes us on an hour long adventure of music, story, song and poem. Here is a tape I wish I had when I was making the monthly 5 hour trip with two small children to visit my mother. The kids will still enjoy it now, but I would have welcomed the diversity of the tape on those long car rides.
How do I describe what you get here?You get kazoo, washboard, guitar, autoharp, spoons, bell, ., whistle, and honking hom. You get A.A. Milne set to music (by Lloyd). You get smidgins of old vaudeville type songs. You get a charming personal story, a Jewish tale, and a Tsimshian legend. You get a Pablo Nentda poem, and you certainly get your money's worth. Lloyd's presentation is warm, polished, and inviting. The notes in the liner let us know her and her work, a little better, and photos let us see firsthand the wonder of her washboard and magic of her sunbrella.
Dreams and Other Realities is advertised as being for ages 1 and up. Younger kids will enjoy the music even if they don't follow all the stories. Truly a family tape.
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The Second Story Review, Vol 1, No. 2, Sep 1996