Nouvelles et Événements

Au confluent de nos langues, congrès 2015

Groupes de Travail

Vendredi: Groupes de Travail


Back to the Future: continuing the discussion about the evolution of the StorySave project and how it adapts to the changing times and technologies.

Description: Picking up on current discussions around StorySave's purpose and audience, the focus group will aim to end with a revived, (reinforced or renewed) mandate and direction for reaching our audiences. If you have ideas and opinions about StorySave's important work, please come and throw them in."

Chair: Norm Walker

Communication - Internal & External

Title: "Spreading the Word: Best practices for SC-CC Communications"

Description: What should SC-CC be telling each other, and the world, and how? There are so many ways to communicate, from emails and newsletters to social media and online videos. Come let us know what you want to share and what you want to hear, and help us spread the word.

Co Chairs: Cat Thom & Jack Howard

Francophone Storytellers

Title: "SC-CC, de Nouvelles perspectives pour les Francophones"
"New Perspectives for Francophones"

Description: Ce groupe focus aura trois objectifs. A) Mettre en commun des informations sur ce qu'ont été les expériences d'être et d'avoir un représentant francophone. B) Partager des idées sur ce que les conteurs et les organisateurs francophones souhaitent pour le développement de leur art au Canada. C) Apporter des recommandations sur ce que le travail du représentant francophone devrait être pour les années à venir.

This focus group will have 3 goals. A) Share information about what kind of experiences it was to be and to have a francophone representative. B) Share ideas on what francophone storytellers and organizers wish for the development of their art form in Canada. C) Provide recommendations on what the job of the francophone representative should be for the years to come.

Animateur/Chair: Yves Robitaille

Organizational Structure Review

As SC-CC grows we are mindful of the responsibility to its members as we try to keep pace with the role of being a National Service Organization.  Since our last major board reorganization in 2005, the activities of SC-CC have continued to grow, and the board has become more and more task-oriented. Board members find themselves taking on administrative tasks far outside their areas of expertise and/or consuming inordinate amounts of their time.  We are opening the discussion to now change the focus of our board and move it from a task-oriented board to a policy-oriented board and to set-up a more active committee structure within our organization.  This will also require increasing the hours that we pay administrative staff to handle routine day-to-day matters currently managed by board members. This also presumes a reduced size to the board and many current board members taking the lead as committee heads.  This focus group will help create a plan for positive change in the organization.

Samedi: Groupes de Travail

SC Radio CC

Title: "SC Radio CC YOUR Radio Community"
Description: Come hear - Come listen - Come share your ideas! SC Radio CC needs your input to output a great Canadian storytelling radio station. 
Chair: David Merleau

House Concert Network

Title:   "A Storyteller Passing Through." 
Description:   Some people are looking for tellers. 
Others are looking to tell. 
Come have your say - On the House Concert way
And we'll share how to make it work well!  

Chair:  Brenda Byers

Communication - Regional and Provincial Representatives

Title:  "Meet and Greet"
Description:  Dialogue between Provincial Coordinators & Regional Representatives. 
Co Chairs:   & Mary Gavan  & Deborah Dunleavy via Skype 

Francophones in Minority Communities

Title:  "Être conteur francophone en milieu minoritaire: réalités, défis et opportunités."
           "Realities, Challenges and Opportunities for a Francophone Storyteller in Minority Communities."
Description:  Ce groupe focus aura deux objectifs. A) Mettre en commun des informations sur les réalités et les défis rencontrés par les conteurs francophones et les organisateurs de d'événements en français hors Québec ainsi que sur les opportunités qui s'offrent à eux. B) Apporter des recommandations sur ce que SCCC pourrait faire en termes de réseautage et de soutien dans ce domaine, avec l'implication des conteurs et organisateurs francophones.
This focus group will have 2 goals. A) Share informations about realities, challenges and opportunities experienced by francophone storytellers and francophone event organizers outside Québec. B) Provide recommendations on what SCCC could do in terms of outreach, networking and support in that field, with an active implication of francophone storytellers and organizers.
Animatrice/Chair: Judith Poirier

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