Nouvelles et Événements
Le conte ou l'art de tisser les fils de la connaissance - Congrès 2019
SET 4 Séances de 90 minutes le samedi 8 juin 9 h

4a. Unpacking The Story: Grades K -5
with Bob Barton
Saturday June 8th, 9:00 am to 10:30 am (English)
*This workshop is now FULL and no longer available
In this workshop we will become active interactive story makers and storytellers living through a tale by exploring issues, enacting scenes, exploring character motives, creating missing scenes and expanding minor characters.
Participants: all levels
About Bob Barton
After a career in teaching (elementary generalist / secondary English / dramatic arts) and with the Ontario Ministry of Education, Bob pursued his interests in storytelling, drama and writing.
He has worked professionally in theatres, schools, parks, and on CBC radio. Since 1969 he has authored and co-authored over twenty-one books for children and teachers.
Bob teaches Drama Arts, Additional Qualifications at the Ontario Institute For Studies In Education, University of Toronto
4b. Personations
with Peter Pacey
Saturday June 8th, 9:00 am to 10:30 am (English)
*This workshop is now FULL and no longer available
This workshop will outline a process of creating a first-person interpretation program or “personation” from page to stage, and all the intermediary steps between beginning with archival research, progressing through script and character development to such issues as costuming, mannerism and performance modus operendi. The session will be participatory and interactive. You may already have a character in mind or get inspired during the workshop through this process. The presentation will culminate with a performance as Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook who was an eye-witness to the history and a key personage in 20th century New Brunswick, Canada and Great Britain.
Participants: all levels.
About Peter Pacey
Peter Pacey is known throughout New Brunswick as “The Bull of the Woods”, a term which describes his reputation as a storyteller, tall-tale raconteur and champion moose caller of the deep woods. Pacey is also an Occasional Poet and specializes in Occasional Verses and has been reciting narrative poetry as story in performance for over 3 decades. Lately he has been specializing in “personations”, an innovative approach to historical re-enactment and public performance, wherein he has portrayed the likes of J.J. Audubon in New York City and Lord Beaverbrook, to bring Max to life at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery and for all sorts of other events in various modes.