Nouvelles et Événements
Le conte ou l'art de tisser les fils de la connaissance - Congrès 2019
SET 3 Séances de 180 minutes le vendredi 7 juin 13 h

Les ateliers du bloc 3 durent 180 minutes et incluent une pause-rafraîchissement (de 14 h 30 à 15 h).
3a. We All Have Stories to Tell - Engaging Children in Schools
with Catherine Wright
Friday June 7, 1pm to 4:30pm (English)
In a time of increased social media and gaming, direct human interaction is ever more important. What better way to encourage positive communication than through storytelling? This participatory workshop explores approaches to working with children in school settings, with particular focus on Grades K – 6. Warm up exercises, games, partner and group work, listening and responding activities and sharing of stories will be included, with time also for group discussion and problem solving so we can learn from each other’s experiences. Workshop activities will help promote body and spatial awareness, stimulate the senses and imagination, foster collaboration and self-expression. Participants will be encouraged to throw off inhibitions and engage in a youthful exploration embracing the joy of storytelling.
Participants: all levels
About Catherine Wright
Catherine Wright is a multidisciplinary artist from St John’s, NL where she has been active for over 25 years as a storyteller, performer, visual artist, arts advocate and educator. She has presented at many provincial festivals and venues for audiences from preschoolers to seniors. She tells folk and fairy tales, personal stories and her own imaginative tales, interweaving movement and voice in the telling. Catherine instructs many arts projects in public schools and in 2017 received Memorial University’s Arts in Education Award, granted by Arts NL. Catherine is currently the NL provincial representative for SC-CC and president of the St John’s Storytelling Festival.
3b. Poem and Story : Poem-telling, Recitation & Lipslippery Joy
with Sheree Fitch
Friday June 7, 1pm to 4:30pm (English)
(photo credit: Keith Minchin)
For over thirty years, author Sheree Fitch has been writing books and traveling the globe giving workshops and presentations at literary festivals, libraries and schools. Whether story is told in narrative, lyrical or prose poetry, nonsense verse or chant, the "doing of poetry" is as varied and unique as the poem and the teller. Language unfolds in particular sequence and not only iambic pentameter and wordplay contribute to the cadence: silence, dramatic tension, pacing, as well as the teller's heart and voice breathe the poem to life. Based on her experiential wisdom as a "poem-teller", her research on the oral tradition of children's poetry, Sheree will share stories and offer suggestions for using poetry and story in classrooms for any grade level.
Participants: all levels
3c. Visual Narratives – The Artist’s Workshop
with Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi
Friday June 7, 1pm to 4:30pm (English)
Stories evoke vivid images that inspire expression in various art forms. This workshop allows participants to directly experience the relationship between word and image. Participants hear a story, express individual images in gestural drawings, work cooperatively to build a story mural and retell a “story moment.” (no artistic experience required).
Participants: all levels
About Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi
Storyteller Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi is a versatile performer, emcee and workshop presenter who captivates audiences of all ages with her stories of wit, wonder and wisdom. She frequently combines story and art in her workshops and believes that creating a piece of art from images in a story sets the stage for the word to enter, stimulates the imagination and improves access to personal creativity.