Nouvelles et Événements
Communiqué de presse
NOUS RECRUTONS! gestionnaire du programme StorySave
À propos du programme StorySave
Les responsabilités du ou de la gestionnaire du programme StorySave comprennent la production, le marketing et la promotion, la diffusion, la budgétisation et les levées de fonds, et ce, pour l'ensemble des programmes et produits StorySave. Le ou la gestionnaire relève directement du conseil d'administration de SC-CC. Il ou elle agit également en tant que porte-parole du comité StorySave.
Cliquez ici pour l’offre d’emploi complète.
Appel de propositions pour le congrès 2025 de Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada, du 18 au 22 juin à Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse)
Storytellersof Canada – Conteurs du Canada sollicite des propositions d'artistes professionnel·le·s d'expérience pour son prochain congrès, qui se tiendra à Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse), à l'université Saint Mary’s, du 18 au 22 juin 2025. Nous cherchons des artistes pour des prestations scéniques, mais aussi pourdonner des classes de maître et/ou des ateliers reflétant la diversité inhérente à la tradition orale.
Nous offrirons également un forfait virtuel comprenant l'accès aux spectacles en diffusion en direct, aux allocutions et àune sélection d'ateliers exclusivement virtuels.
Présentation de notre nouveau conseil d’administration
Bonjour à tous et à toutes,
Peut-être connaissez-vous déjà certain·e·s des membres de notre nouveau conseil d'administration, que ce soit personnellement, en ligne ou simplement par réputation. Voici leurs courtes biographies pour vous permettre de les découvrir un peu plus!
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour de plus amples informations.
In Conversation with Rita Cox and Friends: Celebrating the CD Launch of Wit and Wisdom
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 18, 2021
EVENT: Launch Event for Rita Cox’s Storytelling Album
In Conversation with Rita Cox and Friends: Celebrating the CD Launch of Wit and Wisdom
Presented by the StorySave Program of Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada
DESCRIPTION: On November 30th, join us for a fascinating online panel discussion to officially launch the highly anticipated album, Wit and Wisdom: Anansi Tales and Other Stories by iconic storyteller, author, teacher and librarian, Dr. Rita Cox. The launch also celebrate release of the accompanying StorySave podcast episode Rita Cox: The Gently Echoed Music.
Nouveau programme d'adhésion gratuite à Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada pour les artistes autochtones
Nouveau programme d'adhésion gratuite à Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada pour les artistes autochtones
À compter d'avril 2021, Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada est fier d'annoncer son nouveau programme permanent d'adhésion gratuite pour tous les conteurs autochtones! Nous espérons ainsi pouvoir accueillir encore plus de conteurs autochtones au sein de notre organisme.
FREDERICTON N.B. : STORYSAVE LAUNCHES PODCAST & 20TH ALBUM - COMFORT ERO'S "Tohio! La tradition africaine du conte"
The Official Launch of
Tohio! The Art of African Storytelling - La Tradition Africaine du Conte
A Bilingual Storytelling Album by
Award-winning Storyteller, Comfort Iyase Ero
Marion Gruner, StorySave Program Manager
On June 7th Comfort Iyase Ero and Storytellers of Canada will celebrate the release of Comfort’s first album of recorded stories, along with an audio documentary called Comfort Ero: Come Quickly! I Have a Story to Tell about Comfort’s life and work in storytelling, and inspiring young people through the power of story. The album and podcast were generously supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.
Album and Documentary Launch - Honouring Their Stories, November 10th, 2018, Wakefield, Quebec
The Official Quebec Launch of
Honouring Their Stories
The First Storytelling Album of
Renown Master Storyteller, Louise Profeit-LeBlanc
Marion Gruner, StorySave Program Manager
Louise Profeit-LeBlanc’s first album of recorded stories is released along with an audio documentary called The Wealth of Elders about Louise’s life and work in storytelling.
The album and podcast were generously supported by Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.
Wakefield, Quebec - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is celebrating the Quebec launch of its 19th storytelling album, Honouring Their Stories by internationally renown traditional storyteller Louise Profeit-LeBlanc. Louise is originally from the Nacho Nyak Dän First Nation in northern Yukon, and now makes her home in Wakefield, Quebec.
Each year, StorySave’s programming committee selects one accomplished elder teller who has a unique repertoire, and whose work should be recorded. This year, and for the first time in StorySave’s 16 year history, the team also produced an audio documentary about the teller to accompany the album. The documentary delves into Louise’s inspiration and artistic journey, and the StorySave team plans to make these documentary productions a permanent aspect of the StorySave program, with plans to launch a regular podcast site. This year’s documentary The Wealth of Elders, is now available on CD Baby as a free download, or can be streamed on Louise’s StorySave webpage, on the Storytellers of Canada website.
Louise’s album Honouring Their Stories and the documentary The Wealth of Elders will have their official Quebec launch celebration on Saturday November 10th from 7pm to 9pm at Biblio Wakefield Library, 38 Chemin de la vallée de wakefield (Wakefield, QC)
The CD Launch is part of the In the Heart of the Library series. The event is free of charge.
STORYSAVE LAUNCHES 19TH ALBUM and FIRST PODCAST: The Work of Renown Master Storyteller, Louise Profeit-LeBlanc
The Work of Renown Master Storyteller, Louise Profeit-LeBlanc
Marion Gruner, StorySave Program Manager
Peterborough, Ontario - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is celebrating the Toronto launch of its 19th storytelling album, Honouring Their Stories by internationally renown traditional storyteller Louise Profeit-LeBlanc.
Storytelling Artists from Across Canada Gather for their 26th Conference in July!
Storytelling Artists from Across Canada Gather for their 26th Conference in July!
Peterborough, Ontario: Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), Canada’s only national arts organization representing the art of storytelling, will be holding its 26th annual conference this year, at Trent University from 4 – 8 July 2018. Storytellers of Canada strives to develop and nurture oral storytelling by connecting people, reflecting culture, and inspiring discovery through the art of storytelling.
STORYSAVE TO CELEBRATE LAUNCH OF 18TH CD: The Work of Beloved Master Storyteller, Marylyn Peringer
Toronto, Ontario (September 24, 2017) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is celebrating the Toronto launch of its 18th CD, Pieces of My Heart, French-Canadian and Maltese Stories by renown storyteller Marylyn Peringer.
The CD’s official Ontario launch is Sunday September 24th, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm at the Centre for Social Innovation (Annex location) at 720 Bathurst St., Toronto. It is open to the public.
Marylyn Peringer’s work has always been a bridge to other cultures. Her unique bilingual style of telling stories from French Canada has captivated audiences across the country for decades. And now, exploring her Maltese heritage, Marylyn has gathered and translated classic stories from Malta, uncovering the dozens of cultural influences of the country. It is rare to find traditional Maltese tales told in English, making this collection extra special.
Clara Duga, Storytelling Orillia, and CSN 2016!
StorySave celebrates the launch of its 16th CD project: 2 CDs from Stewart Cameron to launch July 8th 2016, Vancouver
CONTACT: Marion Gruner, StorySave Program Manager
Tales of Love, Laughter and Learning AND Ballads of Love, Laughter and Learning
Two single CDs from beloved Storyteller and Balladeer, Stewart Cameron
Vancouver, British Columbia (July 8, 2016) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 16th StorySave project, Tales of Love, Laughter and Learning AND Ballads of Love, Laughter and Learning by Stewart Cameron.
Both these CDs will have their official launch at the Storytellers of Canada’s National Storytelling Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia: To Hear and Be Heard: Tales to Link Us All 2016. This is the 24th Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 7 to 10th. The launch takes place on the University of British Columbia Campus, in the Isabel MacInnes Room, at the Walter Gage Residence, 5959 Student Union Blvd., July 8th at 3:30pm. It is open to the public.
CONTACT: Marion Gruner, StorySave Program Manager
A Very Special Project from Master Storyteller, Jan Andrews
Vancouver, British Columbia (July 8, 2016) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 15th StorySave recording, Written in the Body by Jan Andrews.
The CD’s official launch is at the Storytellers of Canada’s National Storytelling Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia: To Hear and Be Heard: Tales to Link Us All 2016. This is the 24th Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 7 to 10th. The CD launch takes place on the University of British Columbia Campus, in the Isabel MacInnes Room, at the Walter Gage Residence, 5959 Student Union Blvd., July 8th at 3:30pm. It is open to the public.
Cinquième Soirée nationale du conte Novembre 2016
Cinquième Soirée nationale du conte Novembre 2016
Que ce passe-t-il sur terre?
Contes prévenants de la terre et de la nature
Voici l’annonce officielle de la cinquième édition de la Soirée nationale du conte(SNC), 2016.
Cette édition sera consacrée aux contes prévenants de la terre et de la nature. Cethème a été choisi par Storytelling Orillia, initiateurs, en 2012, de cet événementaujourd'hui national.
La Soirée nationale du conte aura lieu le 5 novembre 2016, mais toutes lesactivités qui se dérouleront aux alentours de cette date sont admissibles.
StorySave Releases its 14th CD
Lévis, Quebec (July 2, 2015) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs duCanada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 14th CD, Atsinikssini: LEGENDSOF MY KAINAI PEOPLE by Flora Zaharia.
The CD’s official launch is at the National Storytelling Conference in Lévis, Quebec: Where Languages Meet 2015. This is the 23rd Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 1 to 5.The CD launch takes place in beautiful Lévis, at L’anglicane, 31 rue Wolfe, on July 2nd at 8 pm and is open to the public.
Quatrième Soirée nationale du conte
Novembre 2015
De l’art de faire mouche
La sagesse animale
Pour ne pas être vache et vous faire virer chèvre plus longtemps, voici l’annonce officielle de la quatrième édition de la Soirée nationale du conte (SNC), aujourd’hui plus que jamais un
événement d’envergure nationale. Les conteurs peuvent désormais demander un soutien financier à Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada pour les activités et autres rassemblements qui seront organisés en novembre prochain à cette occasion.
Vous ne donnez pas votre langue au chat, vous êtes un oiseau de nuit, vous nagez comme un poisson dans l'océan des contes? Prenez le taureau par les cornes et participez à la CSN-NCC Vous trouverez tous les détails pour déposer une demande de subvention sur, Zone Membre. La date limite pour les soumissions est le 15 Juillet.