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Susan Warner

Susan Warner has been a professional storyteller since 1985, while living in Boston,Massachusetts, when she first discovered that this was actually something people got paid for.  Susan already had a passion for theatre, and storytelling offered another powerful performance platform for her.  Her "day job" for the past 35 years has been in the mental health arena, but over the years she has continued to develop and perform her stories as well.   She has performed in festivals, long term care facilities, children's events, and a variety of other storytelling venues over the years.   In 2017, she joined the Mid-Island Story Tellers (MIST) on Vancouver Island, a storytelling group that hires professional storytellers from all over the Canada (and sometimes farther afield) for their monthly storytelling series, Tales for the Telling.   She is currently the President of MIST and curator of another MIST storytelling series, Slice of Life, Real People, Real Stories.  

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