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Otsistohkwiyo Elliott
Otsistohkwí:yo is Kanyen’kehá:ka/Mohawk from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory and is a second language Kanyen'keha/Mohawk speaker. She studied Kanyen'keha/Mohawk for 3 years at Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa an Adult Mohawk Immersion Program in Six nations. She has taught for over 7 years in the Skaronhyase’kó:wa (Everlasting Tree School) as a Early Years teacher in the Kanen’shón:’a Early Years program – the first Canadian Indigenous Waldorf Inspired school. She is a trained Waldorf Early Years Teacher, a recent graduate of the New Adult Educator program, a member of WECAN’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access committee, and an affiliate of the Haudenosaunee and Waldorf Initiative (HAWI). Otsistohkwi:yo is a practiced storyteller of traditional stories in both Kanyen'keha/Mohawk language and english - to which she has been telling stories daily for over 7 years. Otsistohkwi:yo specializes in telling stories to children and families, but also tells stories to adults/youth. She provides training to other educators on how to use storytelling & song as a means of educating, teaching language, culture and healing.