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Murray McGregor

Ottawa, Ontario
I watched and listened, transfixed, as a man created a world in my mind, the vivid world of a blacksmith, of a smithy shop at the end of a bridge, across a river from a hardscrabble town: a river in which lived a being who surfaced only at night then transformed itself. It was a tale about power, about beauty and about alchemy. It was a magic night of storytelling.
I was hooked.
That teller was Ben Haggarty of London England, a featured performer at the 2010 Ottawa International Storytelling Festival. The next morning I took a three hour beginner’s workshop with Mr. Haggarty.
I joined Ottawa StoryTellers. After four months of listening I told my first story at Story Swap. To begin I dabbled in all types of stories, modern to folklore, from my own adaptations to classic texts. And, I listened to storytellers at every opportunity. I realized being a story listener is most important to mastering storytelling.
I create and tell local history stories and more traditional Scottish stories. I’m a 5th generation Canadian from the Highlands.
But I love a good story from anywhere.
I studied history and art history at Carleton University. For 19 years I owned my own bookstore. I worked in film production, freelanced to CBC, wrote for magazines — all connected with stories in different ways.
I read widely about stories, storytelling, folklore, and especially on narrative inquiry and the impact of storytelling in applied situations. I do not tell to young children.
Please contact me about the stories I can create and tell to you and for you.
+1 613-297-2849