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Mary Wiggin

Mary Wiggin

Mary Wiggin

Ottawa, ON


For almost 20 years, Mary Wiggin has delighted audiences with her storytelling. She has been a frequent featured teller at the Ottawa StoryTellers’ series at the National Arts Centre and Arts Court and at the Children’s Storytelling Festival. She also tells in a variety of community settings such as seniors’ programs, schools and fundraising events. In 2016, Mary toured British Columbia with The Game’s Afoot: Stories from Sherlock Holmes and returned to Vancouver Island in 2018 with Oatcakes and Heartaches: Scottish Tales Carried Over the Ocean and in 2019 with Tales for a Winter's Night.

She favours folktales and fairy tales with strong heroines and sound plots, but listeners should be ready for some surprises. Her no-nonsense style is the perfect set-up for the uncanny and the fantastic. She tells mainly to adults but also enjoys entertaining younger audiences.

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