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Hong Kong Stories

Hong Kong Stories is a a not for profit group dedicated to the art of true, first person storytelling in Hong Kong. We have a website, a podcast that can be accessed through the website and we host workshops and live shows monthly in Hong Kong. 
Our storytellers come from Hong Kong and all over the world but we only put stories on our stage that are told live in Hong Kong. We can be contacted through the email;

Hong Kong Stories is a member of The Federation of Asian Storytellers (FEAST).

Rachel Smith is the Canadian representative of Hong Kong Stories. She is also the host of the anonymous podcast. Rachel teaches personal storytelling to corporates and does workshops in schools. She has been featured in StoryFEST in Sydney, Australia in 2019 and has told stories and taught workshops in storytelling and art all over the world. She will be hosting a workshop on ‘Finding Your Story’ at the FEAST conference in South Korea in Sept 2024. She can be contacted through her email

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