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Deborah Goodman

Deborah Goodman

Debbie's public speaking experience dates back to her high school days in Denver, Colorado where she began researching her family roots among the community of European Jews who resettled in the American West.

During her engineering career in the western US, she continued to speak on this topic, most notably as a keynote speaker for the Anne Frank exhibition in Salt Lake City, Utah. Debbie then transitioned into work as a wildlife artist and advocate, providing nature-education presentations and field trips for children, and speaking publicly for habitat conservation during five sessions of the Utah State Legislature.

Since relocating to Nanaimo, British Columbia in 2009, Debbie has joined the Nanaimo Around Town Tellers. She has an active speaking and story-telling schedule for groups such as Probus, Stories on Friday, Nanaimo Living History Project, and the Nanaimo Fringe Festival. She has continued nature education for children through Morrell Nature Sanctuary and North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre.

Debbie's story-telling focus continues to be in the areas of animals and nature, and her family history.

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