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Christopher James (Wadow) DeCorte

Christopher James (Wadow) DeCorte

Anishinaabe | KingFisherClan | Opwaaganasiniing | Firekeeper | Medicine Helper Website: Email:

Boozhoo Aniin

Ninga-gagwejitoon ji Anishinaabemowan.
Nimishoome Chris nindizhinikaaz.
Giwitaashkodenini Wadow nindigoo ojibwemong.
Ogiishkimanisii nindoodem.
Animkii Wajiw Opwaaganasiniing nindoonjibaa.
Tkoronto nindaa.



My name is Christopher James DeCorte
My name in Ojibwe is Giwitaashkodenini Wadow.
My clan is King Fisher.
I come from Thunder Mountain beside Thunder Bay ON.
I am a member of the Red Rock Band of Ojibwes Lake Helen Anishinaabek First Nation.
I reside in Toronto.

Thank You Very Much!

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