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Cheryle Ann Chagnon-Greyeyes

Cheryle Ann Chagnon-GreyeyesCheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes is a proud member of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Treaty 6, Saskatchewan.  As a Cree-Metis woman, she generously shares her learnings and her teachings as she travels the Red Road of Indigenous Spirituality.  A bridge between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, her stories tell of brave warriors, strong women, spirit guides and blessings, eagle songs and cleansing winds.  Leading marches with song and drum on behalf of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, crying out for the protection of Mother Earth and her peoples, yet offering hope and faith in a better future for all of our children.  Cheryle believes in sharing Truth and living Reconciliation, and as a mother and grandmother, envisions a bright future sparkling with hope, love and peace.

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