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Abegael Fisher-Lang

Abegael Fisher-Lang

Abegael, a longtime BC teller, hails from the fierce Atlantic coast, and has told stories for decades because .as she says...there’s nothing more powerful than our collective imagination., and storyteller nurtures that, tale by tale......

She is known for her love of stories from the mythopoetic to the quotidian, and feels that the great myths are doorways inviting our personal stories to be shaped and told. 

Following the Light, her narrative of accompanying her mother at end of life, braided with the Russian legend of Babayaga and Vasilissa the Beautiful, was told at Nov 2021 Tellabration with the Seattle Storytelling Guild, and featured for 2022 World Storytelling Day. 

In 2020, she started NorthVan Tellers' monthly CRIC-CRAC! with Anne Anderson and Allice Bernards, and continues to host it today, sponsored by the West Vancouver Community Arts Council.. 

As a Life Cycle Celebrant, she supports others to craft and tell their life stories, ,and crafts story-rich ceremonies to mark big life events, such as ...'hatchin matchin and dispatchin....

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