
Stories With Vince Wall

Stories With Vince Wall; How To Tell Stories and Four Stories To Tell by Vince Wall. Guelph,ON: Eden River Enterprises, 1997. PBK ISBN 0-9681723-0-X 46 pp. $9.95Availability unknown

When storytellers give beginning storytelling workshops they usually cover the basics of choosing a story learning it through repeated reading and visualization, working with characters, and then telling the story.

That is what Wall does in part one of this little book. His style is casual and conversational and one can almost imagine that he is saying the words to people in a workshop setting. He shares his ideas and strong affection for storytelling as he describes the process of preparing to tell a story. The second half of the book is comprised of four stories which he has authored, and which he gives permission for the reader to tell. Two are ghostly stories which he uses with audiences age 8 and up, and the other two are appropriate for young children.

Trying to confirm availability June 2014
Order from Vince Wall at Eden River Enterprises, #1002 -2 Quebec Street, Guelph, Ontario N1H 2T2
The Second Story Review, Vol 2 , No. 2, June 1997
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