Museletter, The
The Museletter. Wrentham, MA: LANES, periodical, five times annually, $30
Dan Yashinsky told me about The Museletter making this yet another thing I have to thank Dan for.
The Museletter is a project of L.A.N.E.S. (League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling). It is published five times a year, is usually 20 pages in length, and includes both a calendar of storytelling events in the Northeast, and a wide variety of articles. Some of the articles are the newsy, networking, here's what we're up to sort. I always enjoy these peeks into other storytellers' lives and work.
Other articles keep the membership up to date on what's happening within the organization, with Sharing the Fire (the annual New England Storytelling conference which LANES co-sponsors with Simmons College), and the ever-evolving national storytelling scene.
And there are articles which explore a focus theme. Each issue has a theme, or focus which is " explored in articles by tellers and others from across the country. One of
the four issues I was sent had as its theme "Asian storytelling: Asian Traditions, American Realities." Contributors were from California, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma. A list of Asian story resources included books, tapes, and web sites.
Small wonder that The Museletter can get submissions from across the country. Given its quality, I'm sure it must have a subscription list that stretches from sea to sea and then some. Judith Black's article "Masturbation or Catharsis: The Possibilities of the Personal Story!" should be required reading for any teller about to add a personal story to a performance. It was in the May '97 issue which focused on autobiographical tales, and to which Jay O' Callahan was another contributor.
Back issues are available for $3.50. Some of the focus themes from the past include age-specific telling, storytelling and the grieving process, humor in storytelling and story development and rehearsal.
The Museletter is one newsletter I look forward to reading for years to come.
Appears to be available only with membership to LANES $55 US 2014
The Second Story Review, Vol 3, No. 2, June 1998
Dan Yashinsky told me about The Museletter making this yet another thing I have to thank Dan for.
The Museletter is a project of L.A.N.E.S. (League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling). It is published five times a year, is usually 20 pages in length, and includes both a calendar of storytelling events in the Northeast, and a wide variety of articles. Some of the articles are the newsy, networking, here's what we're up to sort. I always enjoy these peeks into other storytellers' lives and work.
Other articles keep the membership up to date on what's happening within the organization, with Sharing the Fire (the annual New England Storytelling conference which LANES co-sponsors with Simmons College), and the ever-evolving national storytelling scene.
And there are articles which explore a focus theme. Each issue has a theme, or focus which is " explored in articles by tellers and others from across the country. One of
the four issues I was sent had as its theme "Asian storytelling: Asian Traditions, American Realities." Contributors were from California, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma. A list of Asian story resources included books, tapes, and web sites.
Small wonder that The Museletter can get submissions from across the country. Given its quality, I'm sure it must have a subscription list that stretches from sea to sea and then some. Judith Black's article "Masturbation or Catharsis: The Possibilities of the Personal Story!" should be required reading for any teller about to add a personal story to a performance. It was in the May '97 issue which focused on autobiographical tales, and to which Jay O' Callahan was another contributor.
Back issues are available for $3.50. Some of the focus themes from the past include age-specific telling, storytelling and the grieving process, humor in storytelling and story development and rehearsal.
The Museletter is one newsletter I look forward to reading for years to come.
Appears to be available only with membership to LANES $55 US 2014
The Second Story Review, Vol 3, No. 2, June 1998