
Big Screen Drive-In Theater / The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon (audio-cassette) by Donald Davis. Little Rock, AR: August House, 1998. ISBN 0-87483-534-8 49 mins. $12

The Big Screen Drive-In Theater (audio cassette) by Donald Davis. Little Rock,AR: August House, 1998. ISBN 0-87483-535-6 54 mins. $12  

Take a look at life through Donald Davis' eyes and you may never look at it the same again. His world is populated with characters who are at once larger than life and the very stuff of which life is made. The events he chronicles are like those we might have experienced but never in such a fantastic wav. As delightful as his stories are to read --and you can read them in a number of books and collections --they most truly come alive when he tells them, for Davis is a master of timing.

The Grand Canyon is the story of a hair raising mule ride down into and back out of the Grand Canyon. I rode a donkey up a smallish mountain in Greece once but that was nothing compared to the trip described here. Getting Scared At Grandma’s House, on the same tape, is a delightful look at boyhood pranks. Anyone who has terrified a younger sibling or played a scary trick on friends will identify with the escapades he describes.

If the drive-in theaters are gone from your neck of the woods, The Big Screen Drive-In Theater will remind you of all they had to offer. Remember trying to sneak in, or trying to see who was in the cars with the fogged windows? You'll not only hear Davis' slant on these and more, you'll meet Daff-Knee Garlic who could run backwards as fast as forwards, and whose big toes stuck straight up.

Finally, there is Dr. Franklin, a story of small town dentistry and compassion. Like an old friend to those who already know and love his work, Donald Davis is a treasure waiting for those new to storytelling to discover.

Those items now available as CDs from August House online June 2014 $16.95 US each

The Second Story Review, Vol 3, No. 4, March 1998

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