About Us
StorySave is a program of Storytellers of Canada / Conteurs du Canada recording the voices of master storytellers from the Canadian storytelling community. Those voices are then made available to listeners world-wide as part of a living legacy through our website and through the production and sale of CDs and other recordings.
Each year members of SC-CC can nominate an accomplished teller to be the Next StorySave Teller. To learn more about StorySave, please visit the StorySave pages of the website. To nominate a teller for StorySave, go to the online nomination form in the members pages.
Application deadline: Midnight EDT February 15th, 2024
You can also access the StorySave nomination form from the main pages of the website (in the applications section)
For questions to Sue Charters, Chair of the StorySave Committee email:
For questions to Erin Beaubien, the StorySave Program Manager email: