News and Events
StorySave Releases its 14th CD

Lévis, Quebec (July 2, 2015) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs duCanada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 14th CD, Atsinikssini: LEGENDSOF MY KAINAI PEOPLE by Flora Zaharia.
The CD’s official launch is at the National Storytelling Conference in Lévis, Quebec: WhereLanguages Meet 2015. This is the 23rd Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 1 to 5.The CD launch takes place in beautiful Lévis, at L’anglicane, 31 rue Wolfe, on July 2nd at 8pmand is open to the public.
The StorySave Program was established by SC-CC as a means of enhancing storytelling’sliving contribution to Canada’s oral and literary heritage through the recording of voices of eldersfrom the Canadian storytelling community for reproduction on and distribution through multi-volume CD sets, and the audio website. Tellers selected for inclusion are those who tell out ofvery particular repertoires, and have something unique to offer.
Flora Zaharia (Sikotan) is a Kainai (Blood) elder from Alberta, now living in Winnipeg. For manyyears, Flora worked to record and preserve the stories of the people on her Kainai reserve.Through this work and her own performances, she has made invaluable contributions to thestorytelling world.
Now at 87 years old, Flora’s StorySave CD stands as a testament to her artistry as a teller. Hercaptivating stories come from her family, her community and from traditional legends handeddown by her mother and grandmother. Only now as an elder storyteller is Flora sharing theselegends, because, she says “it is important to me that other people have a better understandingof our culture and history through these stories.”
For more information, including the purchase of Flora’s CDs and those recorded by previousyears' tellers, please go to the SC-CC website and visit the StorySave pages:
Flora’s recording will also be available for download through CD Baby, beginning on July 2nd.See or go to to find out more.