News and Events
News : Nova Scotia
The Canada 150 Fund
The Canada 150 Fund
The goal of the Canada 150 Fund is to create opportunities for Canadians to participate in local, regional, and national celebrations that contribute to building a sense of pride and attachment to Canada.
A limited number of high impact, large-scale projects that are national in scope will also be supported through the Canada 150 Fund as Signature Initiatives.
Eligibility details
Eligible funding recipients under the Canada 150 Fund include the following types:
- Canadian not-for-profit organizations, including corporations, trusts, cooperatives and unincorporated associations;
- Canadian business corporations, including partnerships, trusts and joint ventures where projects are non-commercial in nature;
- Canadian schools; and,
- Canadian municipal governments and their institutions.
Federal departments, agencies and institutions, Provincial and Territorial governments and their institutions, private individuals and political parties are noteligible under the Canada 150 Fund.
Storytelling Toronto Awards
DEADLINE February 29th, 2016
The Alice Kane Award
The Alice Kane Award is a $1,000 award presented by Storytelling Toronto in memory of Alice Kane (1908 – 2003). One of the co-founders of The Storytellers School of Toronto, Alice was a much beloved storyteller whose mastery of the art of storytelling made her an inspiration to many.
The Anne Smythe Travel Award
The $500 Anne Smythe Travel Grant was established to honour the memory of Anne Smythe, an active and well-loved member of the storytelling community. As a teller and author, she believed strongly in the value of travel and adventure in the development of a storyteller’s art.
Call For Submissions to Le Raconteur Deadline February 1, 2016
Another email scam
One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.
The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.
If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.
- The SC-CC Team
The Alice Kane Award, and the Anne Smythe Travel Award
THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN.....Get your applications in for the Storytelling Toronto Alice Kane award ($1,000) and/or the Anne Smythe travel award ($500) by FEBRUARY 29TH . Go to STT web page-awards for full details.
Contact: Carol Farkas: cfarkass@gmail.comwith any questions.
Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016, Call for Proposals
Thinking of an adventure to have in 2016 then why not consider coming to the 'Weaving Stories Together' - Sydney International Storytelling Conference May 27-29, 2016. Spread the word to your storytelling networks and friends.
This biennial conference draws participants, presenters and performers from all Australian States and territories as well as international countries. The conference program has a balance of performances and educational workshops to promote cultural exchange and develop the art, skills and application of Storytelling in a wide context of settings.
Robert Frappier

Max Tell

It is with great sorrow that SC-CC announces the passing of a dear, talented storyteller, Max Tell, on December 13th. He brought joy and inspiration to people of all ages, and will be greatly missed. We extend our sincerest sympathies to his friends and family.
Storykeeper Award Submissions Deadline March 15, 2016

Canada Council has recently released more details about their new funding model. The new model effects National Arts Service Organizations like SC-CC, but also individual artists, festivals, performance groups, collectives, and other organizations.
You can learn more at an upcoming webinar hosted by Canada Council on January 8th at 1pm EST. The french webinar will be held on January 7th at 1pm EST. Visit this link to find out more and to subscribe to information on the webinar
World Storytelling Day Event Grants Deadline Extended

The deadline for event grants for World Storytelling Day has been extended to January 3rd! Get your proposals in soon!
Each year, communities across Canada participate in World Storytelling Day, a global celebration of storytelling. Working with a theme, events are held on or around the Equinox, with concerts for young and old. This year's theme is stories about "Strong Women"
Click here to learn more about applying:
Your stories on SC-Radio-CC
Starting in January, we are scheduling a variety of new programs in hopes that we can help you to promote your storytelling recordings.
A Tribute to Peg Hasted, June 5, 1961 - October 17, 2015
New Issue of Le Raconteur now available!
Those of you who paid for a hard copy will soon be receiving it in the mail.
Holiday StorySave CD Sale!

SC-CC is thrilled to announce a special, limited-time holiday sale of our StorySave CDs!
- Each CD sold at 30% off the original price, while quantities last
- All shipping costs within Canada, waived
- On line orders received after Dec 7 cannot be ensured delivery within Canada before Dec 24 2015
- Orders by personal cheque cannot be guaranteed timely shipping for the holidays, but we will try our best. (Make cheques out to Storytellers of Canada)
There is nothing better than the gift of story-- except perhaps having Storytellers of Canada send a StorySave CD to a friend on your behalf!
Minute of Silence with the Canada Council

The Fourth Annual Canadian Storytelling Night! November 2015

This year's theme is Let the Fur Fly! Teachings from the Animals
Governor General's Literary Awards - Winners will be announced October 28th!
Log onto to find all 70 finalist books.
Stay tuned for the winners announcement on Wednesday, October 28 at
6:30 EDT.
Canada's national literary awards celebrate literature for all tastes and ages by honouring the best English-language and the best French-language books in each of 7 categories: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, children's literature (text), children's literature (illustration), and translation.
StorySave Nominations! Final Deadline October 31st 2015!
If you have any questions, please contact Marion Gruner at: storysave@storytellers-
StorySave looks forward to receiving your submission! Thank you.
The Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada invites applications for its Emerging Storyteller (18 – 35) Award.
Closing date for applications: November 27, 2015
One of our members recently received an email invitation to participate in BEYOND THE BORDER - Wales International Storytelling Festival 2016. After speaking with the festival's real organizer, the member confirmed that this invitation was a scam, and that several other tellers have received similar invitations.
The email asks that the teller gives a guest performance and to provide personal information, and offers a great deal of money and perks for the appearance. We assume that once the teller bites, he or she is asked for banking information.
If you receive an invitation to ANY festival, please confirm its authenticity with the festival organizer.
- The SC-CC Team
Storytelling and Music - Blind MacNair - October 17th
Blind MacNair, a story of old Nova Scotia by Thomas Raddall, will be presented by Claire Miller, storyteller, with Clary Croft, singer, and Kate Dunlay, fiddler, on Saturday October 17, 7:30pm, at the Universalist Unitarian Church, 5500 Inglis Street, Halifax. Tickets are $20 at the door, and a reception will follow the performance. Seats can be reserved in advance by calling902-425-8928 or by email
Canada Council's Forum on the Literary Arts
The Next StorySave Teller
Call For Submissions to Le Raconteur
StorySave Launches its 14th CD in Lévis, Quebec

Lévis, Quebec (July 2, 2015) - StorySave, a program of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC), is pleased to announce the launch of its 14th CD, Atsinikssini: LEGENDS OF MY KAINAI PEOPLE by Flora Zaharia.
The CD’s official launch is at the National Storytelling Conference in Lévis, Quebec: Where Languages Meet 2015. This is the 23rd Annual Conference of the SC-CC, held from July 1 to 5.The CD launch takes place in beautiful Lévis, at L’anglicane, 31 rue Wolfe, on July 2nd at 8 pm and is open to the public.
The International Strategic Fund
Call For Submissions to Le Raconteur
SCCC is seeking an individual to act as a mentor to a very vibrant and enthusiastic teller from Montreal. Her name is Mafane.