News and Events

Toronto Storytelling Festival May 1-16, 2021

Toronto Storytelling Festival May 1-16, 2021 The 2021 Toronto Storytelling Festival begins May 1!  Our festival theme, Listening to the Voices of Nature, invites us to look beyond the screen that connects us to the wonders of nature that sustain us. We appreciate artists and audiences adventuring with us online. To begin the Festival in a good way, we are honoured that traditional teacher Kahontakwas Diane Longboat will share Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen, the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, giving greetings to the natural world. Tradition bearer and renown scientist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger shares her life’s journey from ancient Celtic wisdom to a healing vision of the global forest. We are glad to be featuring Mairi Campbell, David Francis, Chirine El Ansary, and Stina Fagertun. We are grateful to our SC-CC colleagues in Halifax, Brockville, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver Island who were looking forward to welcoming these artists in person last year, and we hope you will be able to enjoy their online performances, workshops, and talks. Workshops are scheduled throughout the festival, not in conflict with other events, and are exceptionally affordable. Performances and talks are available to view as replays until May 30. We hope you will enjoy this global garden of artists and old growth forest of ideas.
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