News and Events

News : Archive 2021-08

Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada is proud to present The Business of Storytelling Workshop Series


Over the next five months, we are excited to offer Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada members a series of free workshops on the business-side of storytelling. Topics will cover everything from copyright and intellectual property, to taxes and grant writing, to promotion and marketing.


All of these workshops are FREE to Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada members! Access to this program is a benefit of SC-CC membership. If you’re unsure of your membership status, contact us at or 647-532-2445.


Click 'read more' to view all workshops and for links to register!

Ces ateliers sera en anglais; toutes nos communications à ce sujet seront donc, elles aussi, en anglais. Mais vous aurez bientôt des nouvelles d’une série d’ateliers sur l’entreprise francophone en 2022.


These workshops will be conducted in English, and all future communications about the series will also be in English. We are planning to have a Francophone Business of Storytelling series in 2022.

Call for Artists: Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada 2021 Canadian Storytelling Concert

Call for Artists: Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada 2021 Canadian Storytelling Concert

Call for Artists: Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada 2021 Canadian Storytelling Concert 

Storytellers of Canada – Conteurs du Canada (SC-CC) is seeking artists from across the country for a national, virtual concert celebrating Canadian Storytelling Day 2021. We are looking for artists from across all regions, of diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. Artists will be selected by a three-person jury.

Theme: Raising Spirits: Tales to Cheer and Inspire
Date & Time: Sunday November 7th, 4pm Eastern Time (find your time zone here)
  • Stories can be a maximum of 10 minutes
  • Stories must relate to this year’s theme: Raising Spirits: Tales to Cheer and Inspire
  • Artists must be able to provide their own equipment suitable for Zoom (computer, strong internet connection, etc.,) 
  • Fee: $250
To submit:
Please email applications to Erin Beaubien, SC-CC Programming Coordinator, at, using the subject line “CSD 2021 Concert Submission”.
Submissions should include:
  • A summary of your chosen story, it’s length, and how it relates to this year’s theme
  • Your Artist Biography & headshot
  • Your contact information, including email and phone number
Deadline to submit is Monday September 6th, 2021 by end of day.
Please note you will hear from us to ensure that your submission has been received! If you do not receive a confirmation from us by September 6th, please reach out. All applicants will be notified about the outcome of their submission.

Contact information:
Erin Beaubien- Administrative, Membership & Programming Coordinator

Unlocking Literacy through Increased Representation in Children’s Books: An Introduction to Library For All


Session Title: Unlocking Literacy through Increased Representation in Children’s Books: An Introduction to Library For All

This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Microlearning Series and is open to the public.

Session Description: Library For All is a leading education technology developer and mid-tier publisher of high quality, culturally diverse and age appropriate children’s books, delivered digitally and in print. We believe that education brings opportunity. We invest in supporting early years literacy and numeracy education, knowing this support directly impacts how a child will learn and develop in the future. In this session you will learn about LFA’s history, how we work with communities around the world, and our impact to-date.

Cost: Free.
Register here:

The Pitch - seeking info from storytellers re: video capabilities for pitching their performances to presenters

The Pitch is seeking feedback from storytellers! To fill out their survey click here.

New Workshop- Two Boats, One River: Music and Storytelling with Nick Hennessey

New Workshop- Two Boats, One River: Music and Storytelling with Nick Hennessey

Don't miss the next workshop in our Upping Your Game workshop series!

Regroupement du conte au Québec- Appel de candidatures en cours pour le Programme de soutien personnalisé (coaching) 2021-2022


Le Regroupement du conte au Québec est actuellement en période d’appel de candidatures pour son Programme de soutien personnalisé (coaching) 2021-2022.

Date limite pour  le dépôt  des  demandes  :  13 août  2021

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