News and Events

News : Archive 2020-10

Ananse Soundsplash 2020

Ananse Soundsplash 2020
You are invited to Ananse Soundsplash 2020

Ntukuma, The Storytelling Foundation of Jamaica in collaboration with the Jamaica Library Service presents Ananse Soundsplash 2020! 
November 18 - 24, 2020

Email for more information

World Storytelling Day 2021 updates


A note from our World Storytelling Day Project Coordinator, Jennifer Cayely:


World Storytelling Day Grants

Virus or no, this has been an extravagantly beautiful fall; warm and bright with the colours more brilliant than they have been for years. While we are of course moving towards winter now, we are also moving nearer to the spring on the other side of it. With that spring comes World Storytelling Day (WSD). If you don’t know about WSD there’s more info here:  

Like everything else at the moment, the whole situation is a bit complicated. The WSD theme has not been announced yet though it is expected in a week or two. The regular deadline for WSD grant applications will consequently need to be changed, probably to around Dec. 1, 2020 with notification by Jan. 1, 2021 depending on exactly when the theme is clear.

In the meantime, I would encourage you to look at the information about the SC-CC,WSD grants

Start dreaming, planning, thinking now!

Fest Online Forum #9 - Online Storytelling


FEST Online Forum #9 - Online Storytelling

Online storytelling – what is it?

This workshop is led by the
European Storytellers Collective 
(Richard Martin, Aurora Piaggesi, John Rogers)

We will examine some of the presented issues, consider some possible answers and look at practical solutions.
Participant discussion is welcomed and encouraged!

The Festival interculturel du conte de Montréal receives a timely grant


We have just been advised by Montreal Intercultural Storytelling Festival’s Artistic Directory Stéphanie Bénéteau that the Festival has received a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts in the category of Supporting Artistic Practice, to explore digital storytelling through video, podcast and participatory events.


Stéphanie advises “the title of the project is Diffusion numérique: recherche et exploration (digital performance - not a great translation of diffusion, which is more like broadcasting or presenting), research and exploration. Or maybe Storytelling on-line: research and exploration.”

Professional Storyteller website and forum disbanding


A message from Buck Creacy on behalf of Professional Storytellers: Professional Storyteller website and forum disbanding

Hello Everyone

As of today, Professional Storyteller is 2,391 members strong and it is actually the largest gathering of storytellers in the world.  Since April of 2012 I have been happily paying the bills to this service to the tune of $2395.20.  Early on, I naively placed a Donate button on the home page.  Just as naively believing that others would want to support Thinking that surely someone would help me a little.  But to date, there have been no donations.  I have retired and am no longer making $120,000 a year and thanks to the Covid-19; the world is shut down and devastating my plans.  No one is able to go out and tell, so... No one has any money for donations to keep PS afloat.  

Therefore this month will be the last month, If you have pictures or videos or stories that you want to keep.  Please download them back to your hard drive.

I want to especially thank Lois Sprengnether Keel for her amazingly kind support during this entire 8 year time.   Yes, I could make this a paid membership.  The whole idea was to keep it as open to our kind as possible.  Thank you LOiS... I enjoyed being your "boss"  You deserve some kind of metal or plaque or trophy for the lion share of work you performed for all of us.

This is the very last message you will receive from me through Professional Storyteller.  My  mind is made up. I cannot continue with this exercise in vanity.  I promised Dianne Del Las Casas that I would take care of this group.  But it is impossible for me to continue to carry on.  You have my blessings and best wishes for all of your bright futures.

I am certain that this news will cause some heartburn.  Please feel free to write me at

The end of this billing cycle will be the end of professional storyteller.

Visit Professional Storyteller at: http://professional

Story Fusion Cabaret – Our Past, Present, and Future Stories: A night of Indigenous Storytelling


Story Fusion Cabaret – Our Past, Present, and Future Stories

A night of Indigenous Storytelling

Showcasing established and emerging artists

Thursday October 7:30 EST

Pay What You Can with a suggested ticket price $10

 Eventbrite link. 

Caribbean Folklore Virtual Storytime: Tales of Duppies, Jumbies, and Other Paranormal Beings

Caribbean Folklore Virtual Storytime: Tales of Duppies, Jumbies, and Other Paranormal Beings

Saturday October 24th, 6:00pm ECT (Ecuador time)

Canadian Eastern Time: 7:00pm

Volunteer opportunity for storyteller: Caribbean Storytelling Circle


Caribbean Story circle is looking for storytellers of the Caribbean diaspora to participate in their next event! This is a volunteer opportunity. 

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of Caribbean & International storytellers and authors are taking the show online to spread some authentic folklore joy during these trying times. 

Past events have looked at the La Diablese, the Sacred Silkcotton Tree and on Sunday we did Anansi. The October theme is the Duppy (ghost for Caribbean people).

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