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Snap Judgement is hiring Story Scouts for its spin-off podcast, Spooked

Snap Judgement is hiring! Snap Judgment, an award-winning radio show and podcast (heard on over 500 public radio stations) is looking for several international Story Scouts for its spin-off podcast, Spooked. Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Spooked garners over two million monthly podcast downloads and is broadcast on Snap Judgment during the Fall, as stations host Spooked Marathons across the nation. Be afraid!

Specifically, they are searching for Story Scouts for season eight who have lived in, have extensive contacts in, and/or have deep cultural knowledge of one of the following areas:
  • The American South
  • Mexico and/or other Spanish-speaking countries
  • The Caribbean
  • Indigenous Communities
  • Africa
  • India
  • Australia
  • Europe
The Story Scout is in charge of finding and pitching stories in the realm of paranormal activity. This is a remote, contract position that will start in Feb and last through Oct 2023.

More details + full job posting here.

There are no minimum hours set for this position, though story scouts will be expected to pitch stories twice a month. Story scouts will receive a monthly retainer ($1500 USD) as well as bonuses for successful pitches ($300 per story) that make it into an episode. In addition, depending on experience, interest, and availability, you may also have the chance to produce individual Spooked stories, for which you will be paid separately ($140 per minute).  "Los Chaneques," a story pitched and produced by one of our Mexico-based story scouts, was recently selected as one of Spotify's "Best Episodes of 2022."

More details + full job posting here. Applications are due Jan 8th! If you have any questions, please email Davey Kim, Senior Editor, at
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