Local Groups - Ontario - Parent-Child Mother Goose Program

The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program (PCMGP) is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children. It focuses on the pleasure and power of sharing rhymes, songs, and stories. Parents are helped to gain skills and confidence that enable them to create healthy family patterns during their children’s crucial early years. The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program embraces newcomers and the rhymes and stories they bring. It reaches out to low income, isolated families and is committed to running programs in neighbourhoods with limited resources. The Program is supported by current research on infant development and fosters the conditions for lifelong learning as well as emotional and physical health. It is free of charge to all participants.
Toronto, Ontario https://
Susan Ryan
Executive Director
Toronto Parent-Child Mother Goose Program
720 Bathurst Street, Suite 500A
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2R4
Tel: M-W 416 588 5234 Ext. 1
Th-F 416 975 8725, Fax: 416 588 1355