News and Events

"To Hear and Be Heard: Tales to Link Us All", Conference 2016

Conference 2016 Schedule

Conf. 2016 Sched.

Updated Schedule as of July 1


HRS       8am - 10pm

WED JULY 6 Pre-conference day

THUR JULY 7: Day 1 Conference Activities  begin

FRI JULY 8: Day 2   Conference plenary sessions begin

SAT JULY 9: Day 3  AGM begins 

SUN JULY 10: Day 4 Close of AGM & Conf

MON JULY 11 Post-conference Master Class

8 - 9 am

10am to  5pm: RegistrationSignups for dinner outings, storywalks


8 to 9 Signups for dinner outings, storywalks  8:30: OPENING: Aline LaFlamme,VSOS, Shayna Jones story, Jan’s history

Information from 8:30am incl. signups for dinner outings, storywalks.  8:45 Opening Story: Barry Gray (10 to 15m)

Information in the lobby from 8:30am incl. signups for dinner outings, storywalks.  Opening Story  Marylyn Peringer 8:45am (15m)

9 - 10

9:00 am Pre-conf. BOARD MEETING to 4 or 5pm (approx)                          

9:00 am Pre-conf. BOARD MEETING DAY 2 (till noon)      Registration                      

9:00: History con’t, Introductions, to 10:30

AGM: intro Focus Groups, Reports from Board.  (they will try to end earlier than 10:30)

9:00 AGM business: Reports from Focus Groups plus? till 10.

9:30 am MASTERCLASS starts (breaks, lunch etc. to be determined

10 - 11

Board Meeting

Board meeting Registration

BREAK 10:30-10:55am; food in Fort Camp, come back in time for:

AGM Business to 10:30  BREAK (30m) till 10:45 Snacks in Ft. Camp.(too short) Back to business of AGM

AGM: 10am EMERGING TELLER Break 30m  tea etc. outside room on two tables there.   ELECTIONS 10:45

Masterclass      Information table in Lobby, incl.  signing up for dinner/storytelling gatherings

11am-12 pm

Board Meeting

Board meeting till 12 Registration           

 KEYNOTE SPEAKER 11:00 am: Jean Pierre Makosso.           QUILT introduced afterwards

AGM business

Elections finish 11:15 QUILT winner                  Conference  2017 presentation    Four Corners tellers (may start earlier)


12 - 1

Board meeting, 

LUNCH in Fort Camp, 12 to 1:30

12 to1:30 LUNCH (incl. w/registration)  Registration (last chance, to 1:20). Food served in Fort Camp, some seating but lobby, I.McI , our rooms also available

LUNCH including networking, noon to 1:15.  Folks on their own for lunch. 

12:45 - FOUR CORNERS STORIES            12:45 to 1:00 or later end of AGM; conference  CLOSES       


1 - 2

 Board meeting  


(info at Reg/Info table) 1:30-4pm and Hospitality Room in Fort Camp Lounge:  both can be for story swaps, networking. Jan Andrews (2:30pm) Memorial stories in Fort Camp Lounge  Registration

Lunch, Registration end at 1:30      WORKSHOPS 1:30 to 3:00 (Choose 1 of 4)  

Lunch ends 1:15   1:15 - 2:30pm: FOCUS GROUPS:     Five choices

LUNCH Served in Fort Camp 1 to 3


2 - 3

Board meeting

      Information table in Gage Lobby 2 - 4 

Registration            Storywalks    Hospitality room

Workshops: choose one of four: Beginners  in French; Taxes,         Movement, Storytelling advanced

Focus groups to 2:30, BREAK  2:30 to 3pm     

NEW BOARD mtng: 2 - 5, in Isabel McInnes conf. organizers    2016/17 - meeting in one of the pods or a suite?       Storywalks as wished.


3 - 4

Board meeting and Information table end at 4pm 

Registration            Storywalks    Hospitality room

Break 3 - 3:30  (Food set up outside Izzy Mac. room for —       STORYSAVE LAUNCH 3:30 - 4:45 

3 - 4:30 WORKSHOPS:  Four Choices -  Storytelling advanced,  Forum re telling genres, Beginners in English, Internet radio

New Board Meeting, Conference meeting    Storywalks,  Sign up for dinners at Restaurant sign up board

Masterclass ends at 4:30pm 

4 - 5

If leaving UBC for dinner AND the Flame, leave 4 to 4:30 - It is at a restaurant, others are nearby

Registration to 5:00  Storywalks return by 4:30 (UNLESS Dinner is a part of the walk)  DINNER

Storysave Launch till 4:45                   DINNER break till                  7:30pm.  On or near campus restaurants recommended

Workshops to 4:30 BUS to events at Unitarian church on  49th & Oak

New Board, next conference mtngs end at 4:30 to allow cleanup, as ALL venues must be cleared by 5pm

5 - 6

Those who had dinner at UBC, bus by 5:30 to arrive Flame 6:15 for 7:00 NOTE: small venue.

Dinner on or off campus, can be at Café Crêpe (Robson at Burrard) if going to Le Cabaret des Contes. Bussing to concert offsite

Dinner break

5:30 to 6:45 - BUFFET DINNER at the church (Incl. w/registration)

SIGN UPS for dinner in the lobby area 

6 - 7

At UBC: Informal gatherings through the evening 

Bus-40min. to evening concert  downtown doors open at 6:00; open to public  Dinner, desserts or drinks available for purchase

Dinner break, travel back to UBC if eating off-campus

Dinner ends 6:45pm

7 - 8

THE FLAME: Personal tales at Cottage Bistro,Main and 29th UBC: gatherings   

LE CABARET DES CONTES!  7 to 9:30. Those staying on campus - networking, telling tales

7:00, doors open in Isabel MacInnes for                             LIARS’ CONTEST 7:30 to 9:30pm

CONCERT “BRIDGING THE GAP: Doors open at 7 for 7:30 show to 9:30       

8 - 9

Flame till 9pm

Le Cabaret des Contes!

Liars’ Contest 7:30 TO 9:30PM

The Enchanted Bridge: concert (includes Storykeeper Award)

9 - 10

Bus back to UBC (35 to 45 min. trip)

Le Cabaret ends 9:30-ish   Bus back to UBC   45m

Liars’ contest ends between 9:30 and 10

Bridging the Gap:     Finished about 9:30 or 10; Bus back to UBC 

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